Michael Moore is a dumpling

Jeez, this photo makes him look fat. Is he really that out of the loop?

Note by your friendly mod: jeez, lane119, you’ve been around long enough to know that links like that mess up the window :s

Maybe he’s just wearing a much larger suit and didn’t have time to get it tailored.

914 always gives people benefit of the doubt.

Fei hua. :unamused:

This was worth starting a thread over? How about Shaquille O’Neal is really tall! Danny Devito - A really short actor? Or Oprah Winfrey - she’s black! :loco:

Wow, Michael Moore’s fat? Jesus, when did that happen? Actually I think it’s more disturbing that he seems to be sporting a mullet…

BTW, what does being fat have to do with being “out of the loop”?

[quote=“914”]Maybe he’s just wearing a much larger suit and didn’t have time to get it tailored.

914 always gives people benefit of the doubt.[/quote]

Could be. David Byrne had the same problem.

[quote=“914”]Maybe he’s just wearing a much larger suit and didn’t have time to get it tailored.

914 always gives people benefit of the doubt.[/quote]

New glasses and a goatee. I’ve got glasses like that and I look fat. We were both ripped off.

Seriously though, a mullet.

yeah man I hear you.

You obviously haven’t been to http://www.ratemymullet.com/ :smiley:

Love the little Asian midget basketballer with the full-length mullet :laughing:

apologies all around for starting a silly thread like this, but …

when i saw that recent photo MM and his also fat wife, jeez, he is a standing advert poster child for what’s wrong with obese Americans. Is he doing another Marlon Brando on us? It’s sad, that’s all, that a man of his IQ and vision would stuff his body with so much fatty food.

Maybe rich VIP people do this, maybe all those airplane flights to promote his movies do it, eating junk good, but it’s sad. It’s not funny.

The goatee, lose it MM. The weight? Take if off, sir. It’s like a tragedy waiting to happen, but it’s happening now.

Some people are naturally fat, and that’s okay, like Oprah or CHubby CHeckers or those opera singers, Beverly Sills too. And it suits them fine. But MM, it looks horrible, and takes away from the vision he is trying to express in his films.

As for the mullet, cool!

Um, you realize he’s been fat pretty much since the start of his career, right? This is hardly a new development.

But maybe he just has an abundance of the “fat gene.”

Some have thin genes, some have fat genes. Some have blue jeans, some have 80s jeans. Some have baggy jeans, some have tight jeans.

Maybe it’s just in his genes.

i, um, yeh, realize that, but, um, it was that photo [can someone post it please] in that black tuxedo, he looked supersized in a tightfitting box! Before he looked pudgy; in this new photo out now, he looks, well i just don’t have a word for it. when you see the photo i am talking about, you will understand why i posted.

I already looked. I don’t get it. All I know is that his mullet scares me.

New word for Michael Moore:
Dumpling 水餃
White on the outside, meaty inside.

More like a Cha-siu-bao 叉燒包 - big, round, pasty white on the outside, and red on the inside :laughing: :smiling_imp:

Yea, that suit doesn’t look tailored at all…But then again, as I once worked in the film industry, I know as many people do that the camera adds at least 10 lbs. If you don’t agree look at my photos on my blog!!! :astonished: I know I’m not that plump!!!

Interesting thought- I have noticed that people who are in the public eye, tend to gain more weight as they become more public. I think it maybe that the weight serves as some sort of “protector” from all that mud slinging we do in the US. If you notice Oprah’s weight gains, they have always been around times where she was under or coming out from under heavy fire…just something to go hmmm on.

Erm…are you talking about Michael Moore?

I wonder if Moore sweats a lot. He looks like a fat sweater.

[quote=“lane119”] that a man of his IQ and vision would stuff his body…

I just spewed Mountain Dew all over my monitor. :fume: