Mini Fridge

Does anybody know where I can get my hands on a mini-fridge? Full on fridge, not the heat/cool ones. I have to put one in my office kitchen in a space no higher than roughly 45 cm (1.5 feet) - width is not a problem. I’ve been to quite a few appliance stores but nothing even close. If by chance anybody has a second-hand one they want to sell please let me know! :slight_smile:

Do you want one that is only big enough to hold a six-pack? I did see one of those in someone’s office; they bought it online locally. Sorry, I don’t have a link for you.

If you can read chinese I would try the auctions.

Try PCHome online shop, but it’s in Chinese:

Navigate with the menu at the top of the page:

First click on 家電 (jia1dian4, home electronics)
Then choose 冰箱 (bing1xiang1, refrigerators)

Then on the left you can choose refrigerators by size, e.g. there’s 200, 300, 400 liters. Click the two options before the 200, those are the smallest ones. These links would also work I think: … _NO=ACAH0F … _NO=ACAH0H