I checked for Mint or Peppermint extract at Carrefour, Costco and our local Yilan bakeshop but can not find it.
Yilan, Luodong, Taipei locations would be desirable.
Thank you
I checked for Mint or Peppermint extract at Carrefour, Costco and our local Yilan bakeshop but can not find it.
Yilan, Luodong, Taipei locations would be desirable.
Thank you
[url=http://tw.forumosa.com/t/diy-baking-supply-supplies/22088/47 supply stores[/url] are the place to check. It may NOT be in the 4-5" tall brown waisted bottles with bilingual, printed labels like vanilla, lemon, almond and orange extract, and may instead be in smaller, cylindrical 2" clear glass bottles with hand-written labels in Chinese, meaning that you may have to ask for it if you don’t read Chinese. The store near the Academia Sinica in Nangang, for instance, carries over a dozen flavors of extracts in such bottles, about NT$90 each, including mango, peppermint, kahlua, lavender, caramel, taro, orange, and so on if I recall.
that store is about 100 yards south of the Zhongxiao East road junction as you head from Nangang exhibition hall to Academia Sinica, on your right. Next to a veterinarian? and just before the Cafe 85, i believe.
That’s about the right location, yeah. Or coming from downtown Taibei, take Zhongxiao E. Rd. eastward, to the end, turn right and go about 100 meters. It’s on your right, roughly across from McCrap, I think.
台北市南港研究院路一段96號 Nángǎng, Yánjiùyuàn (Academia Sinica) Rd. Sec. 1, #96
(not far south of Zhōngxiào road, on west side)
Thank you, I will check that place.
I want to start offering chocolate mint ice cream at the shop
You might want to consider growing oodles of mint on your balcony, and using fresh mint instead of the rather pricy extract.
To DB’s defense, if there’s one thing that grows like weeds here, it’s mint. Had a plant in my kitchen window a couple of years back, it pretty much took over the entire kitchen at one stage… so yeah, it’s not hard to grow and you get tons of it and it’d work out a lot cheaper in the long run.
Off topic, any chance you have pistachio ice cream? Not that I’m in Yilan very often, but…
That is what we growing on our organic farm http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/mrbalagov/article?mid=148&prev=151&next=116 including plenty of mint and lemon-mint but nonetheless to make mint flavor for ice cream I need mint extract.
Thank you TheLostSwede and Dragonbones. I was reading your post about mint 1 year ago and that how I start growing my own mint.
Wow, nice garden. I’d say you might want to get 'em beetroots while they’re a tad smaller, that said, that seems to be the size beetroots are here, but they get a bit tough and woody at that size and take well over an hour to cook. I’ve bought them here a couple of times for pickling and the recipe I have says cook for 20 minutes, but it takes more like an hour and 20 minutes…
Is that dill you got growing or something else?
Certain things seems to grow like crazy here, while others aren’t too happy at all. But at least the results here are almost instantaneous due to the weather…
We grow dill, celery, tomatoes, hot and sweet pepper, coriander, сumin, belgian sprouts and other different vegetables, we brought seeds from Ukraine and US. So beetroots you see in the photo is only half size of what they grow up (seeds from Ukraine).
This is link http://rti-ru.livejournal.com/149070.html to interview by RTI Russian department about our farm, in the photo you can see the size of this “garden” and could imagine how much work and time goes into this.
Holy… I guess that’s the advantage of living out in the sticks
That’s more than just a hobby garden though, right?
Do you sell stuff from the garden?
We growing mostly for friends and family and for needs of our cafe, so all veggies on our menu is from our farm. And time to time, if harvest is too big we offering people from outside.
Next project is raspberries