Missing Namahottie and welcoming her back!

Well, she’s been gone a week and I for one miss her posts. So how about we all PM her and get her butt back here. This is her home. She is simply abroad on a misguided adventure. Say, “Hi mom and pop. See you. Bye” Easy.
Come home Nama. We miss you.

Yes. We miss you.

Doesn’t seem like many miss her at all.:smiley: I know as a lurker for the past 6 months don’t. Blabbled on alot about race issues and other things that never really made any sense. Okay humor, but I don’t get the ideal that she’s really gonna be missed.

Who’s “Nmahottie”?

What a charming first post. You’ll fit right in.

Fact is she was an intregal part of our online community both as an online persona, and in person.

She will be missed by many of us…

On the other hand, I don’t know you from shinola…So please don’t judge before you meet, and I’ll try to do the same, despite your rather cold post.

I liked Nama’s posts. I’d be happy to see her back posting here.

I just wished I had seen her leaving Taiwan thread before it was really too late to send her a well-wishing on it.

Why must we welcome her back? Is her front not also worthy of a warm welcome?

That sounds eerily like a line from a cheesy porn movie.

It’s true, they really miss you.

I hope you are enjoying being back among family, Nama.

I for one have been a bit of an ass to Nama. First because of Peanut, her dog, and then because of her deleting a post of hers. I often tell people to be nice to each other on the boards, and yet I can be an ass myself more than my fair share…

Nama, I know you’re reading this, and I know that I said hurtful things to you. I said those things in public, so here it goes: I’m sorry, I really am. You pissed me off, and you got me really worried about a four legged friend of mine, but still, I should have been a bit more thoughful before clicking the submit button on a few posts. I have no problem admitting that because having read many of your posts over the years, I know that you are a really good gal, and you deserve no less.

Here’s hoping to read more of your posts soon… And all the best to you…


Me too, Nama. I would also like to say that Bobepine was a bit of an ass to you and shouldn’t say those hurtful things. :wink:

Bobepine, that’s pretty rare, you know, for anybody to admit something like that and post an apology. I admire you for that. One day, if I ever do anything wrong, I hope I can follow your example. :smiley:

Seriously, good on yer. :notworthy:

[quote=“bobepine”]I for one have been a bit of an ass to Nama. First because of Peanut, her dog, and then because of her deleting a post of hers. I often tell people to be nice to each other on the boards, and yet I can be an ass myself more than my fair share…

Nama, I know you’re reading this, and I know that I said hurtful things to you. I said those things in public, so here it goes: I’m sorry, I really am. You pissed me off, and you got me really worried about a four legged friend of mine, but still, I should have been a bit more thoughtful before clicking the submit button on a few posts. I have no problem admitting that because having read many of your posts over the years, I know that you are a really good gal, and you deserve no less.

Here’s hoping to read more of your posts soon… And all the best to you…


Thank you C for such thoughtful post. All is well. Even with the dogs. I got them out looking for jobs right now. Chocky has an interview with Homeland Security as a customs dog and Peanut may be into the dog walking business.

As for me, I’m looking for work. Hard to find something to fit my outstanding qualifications-:roll: The market in Chicago, isn’t so ‘creative’, let’s just say…

Take care everyone, all of you are in my daily prayers to be of good health and blessings.

[quote=“Namahottie”]Chocky has an interview with Homeland Security as a customs dog[/quote]Way to get your dog to pay for his own part of the rent. :laughing: :notworthy:

MMmmmmm…[i]Tater Tots![/i]

and no gaoliang in the 7-11’s!

NamaHottaMama!! Welcome back.

who’s shinola?

How 'bout dem Bears?


[quote=“Namahottie”][quote=“TainanCowboy”]He’s a proud graduate of the Marion Berry School of Public Administrators.[/quote]Nice try, but I don’t think Nagin enrolled in the course “Crack, Hos, and VideoTapes” :laughing:[/quote]How you doin’ girl? Stayin’ warm?