More authentication issues

I have already found several threads dealing with people needing to have various documents authenticated.

My family and I are already in Taiwan and in the process of getting our Resident Visas and ARCs processed – no problems and pretty straightforward. However, processing our 22-month old son’s documents has been a different story that has led me from one gov’t office to another, all pointing in another direction.

Essentially, we have been told that we need to have his birth certificate and our marriage license authenticated. The Foreign Affairs folks at the Banqiao office pointed me in the direction of the Bureau of Consular Affairs/Ministry of Foreign Affairs who said that I needed to have had the documents processed in the US before I arrived. They gave me the address and phone number of AIT though I am fairly certain that AIT has nothing to do with this sort of thing.

Has anybody been in a situation like this? The best that I can figure is that I need to FedEx everything to the US (though we are residents of one state, were married in another and our son was born abroad so where to send things to isn’t as clear as it could be), wait for it to return to Taiwan and then proceed from there? Is there any easier way or something obvious that I am missing?


Others have certainly have done authentications by mail in the past. As to your question of where to send things, you need to send to the office responsible for the area where the document was issued. If the marriage certificate and the birth certificate where issued in different places then they may need to go to different TECO offices for authentication.

I have a question regarding what documents to supply to get a criminal record certified by mail. I’m looking at the TECO Atlanta website and it says the following are required:



若所提供的中華民國護照已過期,則請另外提供有效的美國護照(或公民證 )影本(請注意影本背面請書寫「此影本與正本相符」字樣並親自簽名 後送公證人公證)。(提醒您,中華民國護照與美國護照上的英文名字拚音請相同。)

詳填「文件證明申請表( 下載檔案)」乙份。

每件規費十五美元。郵寄辦理者,所需規費請寄銀行或郵局匯票,恕不接受個人支票及現金。(匯票抬頭請寫 TECO )

取件方式可選擇由本人親取、郵寄至指定地址、委託他人代為領取等不同方式。如選擇郵寄 至指定地址之取件,本處寄件後即不負責郵件延誤或遺失之責任。

If I send a photocopy of my Taiwan passport do I need to get it notarized or can Ican I just sign it? If I am doing this from Taiwan how do I include a self addressed stamped envelope?

I have not done this before so if any one can provide for some clearer details I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

Man, I had issues with authentication of power of attorney, articles of incorporation and passport documents. I had to do it for China. It’s not easy. There are lots of step. I ended up hiring an attestation, authentication company -
They can help you legalize all the documents from start to end and send the completed documents to your destination. I found that the easiest way.

[quote=“Terry B.”]I have already found several threads dealing with people needing to have various documents authenticated.

My family and I are already in Taiwan and in the process of getting our Resident Visas and ARCs processed – no problems and pretty straightforward. However, processing our 22-month old son’s documents has been a different story that has led me from one gov’t office to another, all pointing in another direction.

Essentially, we have been told that we need to have his birth certificate and our marriage license authenticated. The Foreign Affairs folks at the Banqiao office pointed me in the direction of the Bureau of Consular Affairs/Ministry of Foreign Affairs who said that I needed to have had the documents processed in the US before I arrived. They gave me the address and phone number of AIT though I am fairly certain that AIT has nothing to do with this sort of thing.

Has anybody been in a situation like this? The best that I can figure is that I need to FedEx everything to the US (though we are residents of one state, were married in another and our son was born abroad so where to send things to isn’t as clear as it could be), wait for it to return to Taiwan and then proceed from there? Is there any easier way or something obvious that I am missing?


Hey Terry, I just want to share my experience with this kinds of issues, so anyways I think you have to hire a private agencies to do the job. I recommended US Apostille that’s because they have the fastest and cheapest service I have dealt with.