Most Influential Women of 2020

President Tsai was listed by readers as one of the most influential women of 2020


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I really like Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen, who has done exceptionally well in generating enthusiasm in the elections back in January; made an excellent decision to ban arrivals from mainland China early [in the pandemic] and made Taiwan one of the strongest economies this year (no annual GDP drop). Politically, she has done a good job this year, resisting pressures from Beijing while not offending China, hereby avoiding further escalation in tensions. She also supported same-sex marriage in Taiwan, which is now legal. — 123wsd456

Another standout is Jacinda Ardern, who I have come to admire for her leadership during this time.

Who would forumosa posters like to put up?

I’ve been looking at some interesting statistics lately about male vs female performance, especially in finance as it relates to my study. For example, female fund managers on average perform better than male fund managers. However the top performers are almost all male, the same for the worst performers. One very interesting article I’ve read goes into the correlation between testosterone and risk/returns. It seems female fund managers are more risk aversion and conservative while the males have a higher distribution of risk and performance that seems to correlate with testosterone.

Could this mean women make better decisions due to more risk averson? Perhapse during times of pandemic. I actually think this is a fair discussion since the idea of women being too emotional to lead have been used before.

In terms of accomplishment, still Angela Merkel.