Motorbike license Qs

Been reading through the sticky’s but have a few questions, if you’d be so kind.

1, Can you recommend a place for taking motorbike lessons, I have never ridden one before. It’ll be for 250cc
2, Are motorbikes allowed to park in the same spaces as scooters?
3, Do you need to have had a scooter license for a year before applying for a 250cc bike license?
4, Do you need to have an international driving license to apply for a license here?


[quote=“jamesalthans”]Been reading through the sticky’s but have a few questions, if you’d be so kind.

1, Can you recommend a place for taking motorbike lessons, I have never ridden one before. It’ll be for 250cc
2, Are motorbikes allowed to park in the same spaces as scooters?
3, Do you need to have had a scooter license for a year before applying for a 250cc bike license?
4, Do you need to have an international driving license to apply for a license here?


The answers are 20 post under this one. Has 44 pages of it but you should focus on the last 10 pages :wink:

Best bet is to ask a friend. Riding schools probably only focus on big bikes. If you are in Hsinchu, I can give you some pointers.

Yes, legally. Illegally, like many locals, you can just park about anywhere… But beware when parking in scooter spots, they tend to defy nature’s law and cram them like sardines in those places. I usually took 2 spots, they WILL scratch your bike.

[quote]3, Do you need to have had a scooter license for a year before applying for a 250cc bike license?
4, Do you need to have an international driving license to apply for a license here?
As long as you have an ARC, you can get a scooter license, which is the same for a bike of up to 250cc. No need for an international license, unless you want to ride before you get your license. Many foreigners go without licenses, but i would not recommend it. Be legal, and get a license.

Thanks for the replies!

Going for the test this week. Just in case anyone is curious:

Address:10561 臺北市八德路4段21號

Opening hours: 9-12pm & 1:30-4:30pm

They are also open on some Saturday mornings, once a month I think.

They have another location at 4, Bade road but not sure if you can do it there.

Google Map: … CBkQ8gEwAA

Practice papers in English here: … /

Don’t need to book, just turn up and take the written test then driving test.

Don’t need own scooter, you can rent one for 22NT!

Engine size under 250cc require one type of license, over 250cc requires a different one.

Take along:
3 passport sized photos
Fee: 550NT

I think you may need to have had an ARC for over 1 year to apply. Not sure about that. That would explain why so many foreigners don’t have a license though!

Wish me luck. Last driving test I did was a week after my 17th birthday. Lost 10 pints in sweat during that one :smiley:

Update: You need an ARC valid for 1 year to apply, but don’t have to have been here a year.

Hahahahaha…I just took the online test. I got 80 percent and failed - but I only properly understood about 5 of the questions - all the others I had no idea what they were asking for and had to guess.
Ridiculous. :laughing:

AFAIK a 250cc motorcycle has to follow the same laws as a scooter. This is includes parking, using the scooter lane, no left turns when there is a scooter box and no highways/freeways among other things. So yes you can park (and pretty much have to park) with the scooters. This can be a pain sometimes since a 250cc motorcycle (I have 150cc’s) can be relatively heavy and the scooters next to you will be touching your motorcycle. And be careful not to park illegally since you can get towed (the reason to only buy with papers).

You didn’t include the health check that needs to be done before you take the written test.

It’s been discussed 1000 times but the written test is awful in English but they do have practice computers outside the testing room. The road test is also awful but it will eliminate those that haven’t ridden scooters/motorcycles for very long. Pretty much if you can balance a motorcycle at a rolling idle you can pass. First you need to go slow on a straight line for 8 seconds w/o putting your foot down, touching the metal (<0.5m wide) or going to fast (<8 seconds). And then you do the same for a course with 2 curves and a variety of stoplights, RR crossings and similar. I can understand how someone could fail the road test due to bad luck but I can’t understand how someone capable to riding a scooter/motorcycle can have difficulty passing it since you can repeat it (wait 7 days).

Just to clarify something, its defined as light motorcycle or scooter if its >250 cc, that means 249 and below… and it will have a white plate. the kimko grand dink has actually 251cc but its still consider a light motorcycle and gets a white plate. to get a yellow plate you need it to be really like 265 or 300cc… dont ask why… this is Taiwan… as for the license… i took it in Hsinchu and it was very easy… but then again i was already racing a 1000cc motorcycle on the race track… good luck

I searched but can’t find the answer. I already got my scooter license years ago (for a 50cc) Did the writing test, not the driving test. I have a 150 now…do I need to rewrite the written test and then do the driving test? Just want to know if I should study a bit before going. Thank you!

You shouldn’t need to do the written test.

I have an entirely different problem since my license is expired (no ARC for awhile). I’m hoping I don’t have to do the test again.