Hey there good people
I’m getting a Bike fairly soon and was thinking about security. In the UK I’d have gone with alarm and immobiliser and a Disc lock combined with a chunky lock for the wheels at night.
I’ve no secure parking so have to go hardcore with features. I’m looking for recommendations on all of the above.
Is it easy to find and install an alarm/immobiliser here? Any lock recommendations as well as places to get them. I’ve popped into a few small shops but the security sections were a joke! What kind of price range am I looking at.
I’m also struggling to find info on jackets. No way I’m going leather in Taiwan’s heat but I want protection. I’m that guy always telling people off for wearing an open face helmet regardless.
I’m also looking to get a cover to keep the rain off. I’ve not seen any of these things since I got here though admittedly I’ve not been into any big bike shops as I can’t find any. Any help from the vets on this would be appreciated
The 'wan is full of fake “brand name” locks, esp. ABUS, Kryptonite, and Xena. If at all possible, have your mates in the UK ship you real ABUS stuff, rotor locks F and R for the road, and a monster for home. At home, your bike MUST be lock to street furniture, otherwise a van pulls up, guys get out, and … no more bike.
The above applies if you live in the country and have a real bike (250cc or larger). If you live in a city, I wouldn’t own a such a bike without secure parking, and you would still need the monster ABUS or Kryptonite locking the bike to a permanent fixture.
Alarms won’t help unless you use one that texts your mobile phone. People ignore alarms.
Option two: buy a rat bike for the city to get to your real bike in the country.
Eeesh I fugured that would be the case on the locks. Cheers for the input.
Are there any large reputable bike shops I should know about? Like Fowlers but in Taiwan. I’ll need to get a load of stuff all in one day and would rather not do the Taiwan run a round.
Zero hour is approaching
No one? Surely there must be someone on this forum that can recommend a shop for bike gear
Here’s a picture of a Monkey as an incentive. Everyone loves Monkeys I’ll post more Monkeys on bikes if I get some responses.

Well I find this post while searching for info on top boxes - Courtesy of Ed en Vadrouille
So if anyone finds themselves on this thread searching for info on bike gear and security then go there. Great shop. Loads of stuff
Re: New top box
Unread postby Ed en Vadrouille » Sun, 24 Apr 2011 16:03
Sorry, I live in Neihu and confused both names. It’s Chengde St. Here is the exact location: maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&hq=&hne … 4,0,-1.48
It’s called active bike world. It’s a cool shop to visit whatever your biking needs. I haven’t found anything equivalent in TPE, apart from the shop on Bade, east of the bade-keelung intersection. Let me know if you find any interesting resources.
Hey mate, don’t know if I can give you a good one stop shop for gear, but the following locations should have some stuff for you, and are kind of along the same path if you’re driving. I have no idea if these places are actually the best places to go, they’re just the ones I’ve stumbled across really:
Google maps coordinate: 25.030128,121.557602
A bit south of Taipei 101 on Jilong road. They look like they have a pretty decent selection of jackets, good helmets, etc. Haven’t really looked around here too much, so I can’t attest to the prices. Just a block or so to the North along Jilong road is a rare Kawasaki dealership that might have a jacket or two as well- not much though.
Further south on Jilong road, where it intersects with Roosvelt. This is a big bike rental shop but they also sell helmets and jackets/pants. They have a wide range of helmet prices. I got a one on the cheap end for 4000, came with 2 visors, a soft bag, and a nicer carrying bag. If you want a more expensive one, I think they’ve got some arai/shoei ones there too.
From Jilong road turn right onto Roosvelt, then turn left onto Heping. There’s a big Shoei sign outside. This is a very nice shop - helmets, jackets, pants, etc. I bought a very cool pair of pants here that can zip into a jacket that I already had. Reasonable prices here, nice folks working there too.
I think I’ve also seen some bike covers at at least one of these. If not, sometimes the generic helmet stores that you see have them (there’s one just across the street from the third location that I think may have covers).
Check em out and tell me what you think.
Hate to double post, but I just found probably the most complete shop that I’ve seen in Taipei city.
The name of the place is “Active Bike World”. It’s just a few blocks away from Minquan West Road Station: 25.06086,121.518143
They’ve got everything here. They sell big bikes, custom scooters, a wide range of helmets - from cheapos to Arai/Shoei/AGV/Shark etc. The prices of the higher quality helmets looked slightly more reasonable than other places I’ve seen. There was also a very good selection of jackets and pants, ranging from quite reasonably priced up to brand name leathers. It looked like they also have a selection electronic alarm things and locks. Also have lots of parts, and even a mechanics shop as part of the store.
Edit - Don’t know how I missed that active bike world had already been mentioned. In any case, it might be useful to know that there’s one right in town, and you don’t have to haul out to neihu.