'Mouse-over' for the flags

Could we get a mouse-over option for the new flag of origin section for people’s profiles. I look at the flag all the time to see where a postor is from, but often i don’t recognize them and there is no mouse-over. All the other buttons and add-ons on Forumosa have mouse-over (i.e. smiley faces, most hyperlinks, even the PM button next to the flags has a mouse-over).

Probably doable, aye?

There was a discussion about this a while ago. I don’t recall what the final analysis was: National Flags

Great minds think alike!

BTW, WTF is your flag!? I probably could spend a week looking that one up!


BTW, WTF is your flag!? I probably could spend a week looking that one up![/quote]

Because…you’re from Zambia? I remember doing a global economy exercise in college about 12 years ago and my team was assigned Zambia. We had to try and compete in a global economy using some ‘theoretical trade equivalent’ representative of their actual commodities and GNP. we learned quickly that Zambia was the poorest country in the world and having nearly nothing valuable to trade mad it even more so.

Anything gotten better since then?

[quote=“Maceck”]Because…you’re from Zambia? I remember doing a global economy exercise in college about 12 years ago and my team was assigned Zambia. We had to try and compete in a global economy using some ‘theoretical trade equivalent’ representative of their actual commodities and GNP. we learned quickly that Zambia was the poorest country in the world and having nearly nothing valuable to trade mad it even more so.

Anything gotten better since then?[/quote]

Yeah, jimi left.


Another thought: how about a ‘country of origin’ flag and a ‘current country of residence’ flag. I find these things to be important during discussions. I have seen some with ‘Taiwan’ as their flag which is a bit confusing as I’m led to wonder if the person i’m arguing (or agreeing) with about some Taiwanese subject is in fact a resident or just living here. Everyone, of course, has the option to not distinguish either, but many of us would love to make this information available.

Has this been discussed already too?

You can also do a right-click over the flag you want to know about and select View Image Info and you can see what it is in the Associated Text info.