Moving number from Taiwan Mobile to other network

Either way, I’m not paying literally twice as much for an inferior product just because the company treats foreigners a little bit better.

Hmm have you done a speed test? Because it seems like quite a big difference vs. Taiwan mobile. But I’ve always had good data reception with Taiwan mobile throughout Taiwan, had bad experiences with Tstar, chungwa mobile in different parts of Taiwan and it wasn’t worth the headache even if their plans are cheaper.

Will do a speed test later when the new SIM is activated. GT is waiting on Taiwan Mobile to transfer my number over.

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Then they shouldn’t allow for contracts to be signed by people that have an ARC expiring before the year is up and instead allow them on month to month. If they are really ‘scared’ just expire the service at the ARC end.

I’m sorry but if anyone tells me that I’m a flight risk customer I’m going to a different shop. If isn’t as good as locals then I’ll keep it for myself.

On a different topic, the savings of $300 nt a month isn’t substantial and you will soon see why GT isn’t the best choice compared to the big 3. You thought you were getting bad service before…I say that as a former GT client that went back to FET after 2 years. Especially if you are ever on the outskirts of the city or even in some parts of the city itself, my friend would do a speed test and get 100mbt speeds and mine would be struggling to get between 5 and 10. Sometimes as bad as 1mbt. They simply don’t have the tower structure the big 3 have so you get what you pay for.

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Really happy with the speeds I’m getting on GT!

Light and day when compared to Taiwan Mobile!

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Pretty impressive then. I didn’t get those speeds ever. Could be where I lived and played was not a good service area

Hopefully those speeds hold up for you everywhere you go

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Ultimately I guess you should go with whichever company gives you a good price and good speeds in your area. For me, the best price and best speeds in Xinzhuang on 4G are from GT. You are probably right that they have poorer speeds elsewhere, but since I don’t leave Xinzhuang much, I’m happy with GT for now. I can’t believe I wasted two years, NT$700+ a month, and tons of time waiting for things to load with Taiwan 大哥大.

I find APT (GT4G) to have too many holes once you leave Taipei Proper.

I saw this singles day promotion at GT mobile

I’m currently with Taiwan mobile on their 1599NT/month 2 year contract which includes 5G unlimited data, 1Gbps home internet, TV, etc.

Taiwan mobile says this plan has no throttling for hotspots and I can confirm this since I was still getting good speeds after using 120GB with hotspot in a month. If you buy their individual unlimited data 5G plan, the hotspot limit is 50GB a month. The counter lady checked and confirmed this with my current plan.

GT mobile said there’s no hot spot limit but I have doubts she knew what she was talking about. She also mentioned 5G is recommended if you need speed since they partner with other cell providers but it’s not available on 4G.

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GT’s cell service has gotten progressively worse over the last six months as the company slowly shuts down. Some busy areas in New Taipei I don’t even get any signal anymore. Luckily my contract with them ended yesterday and I can finally change to a better provider.

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Is GT going out of business?

at the end, CT, TWM and FET are the best bets… can’t complain at all with TWM, didn’t sign any guarantor or paid any deposit.

TWM is the only foreigner friendly telco. Up from zero before.

And I will keep beating that drum.


They are merging with Taiwan Star and Fareastone I believe. Many stores have now closed

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In terms of no guarantor, I have had accounts at the big 3 at various times and I’ve been guarantor free at all of them. It’s ironic that the smallest carriers that you would think would want the business are the least friendliest.

Kinda, but just as often, smaller companies have less robust rules or standard operating procedures.

Just not in the case of those two small telecoms. They have robust anti foreigner SOPs :grin:

I could argue then they don’t have robust procedures for company growth :stuck_out_tongue: