Moving to Taiwan and working from there

I would be working from home for a US based company. Computer work mainly. Shit can happen but I’m not worried about the job security. As far as how long we want to stay in Taiwan, we are thinking about 5 years or so. If things don’t work out we can always try Canada (always have a plan B).

Well yes many do it.

I have an office in Taipei, one in Taichung and I also work for an off shore sports broadcaster.

Working for companies not based in Taiwan is being done all the time.

Not only by expats but by many locals as well.

You guys didn’t read my post either, I know well it depends on industry. But it’s one thing to have a job in one place, then move and continue the job from another place, it depends on the job spec. In software obviously it’s a bit different. But hey there is risk in staying at home too.