Moving to Taiwan (Penghu)

Can you please give me the name for those courses/school you studied in? Sounds like a great experience! Can you also give me some prices for everyday food/goods you bought there? How expensive they are? Is there something you didn’t like?

No. 30, Zhongshan Road, Magong City, Penghu County, Taiwan 880
+886 6 927 1564

The owners are quite nice as well!


I’ll answer your questions in order to make it easier :

I didn’t study in a university or college, it was a private language school called A-Kan Language Center. I wasn’t doing it for a degree, I did it because I wanted to live on an island and learn Chinese for a little bit. Here’s their website :

The prices for foods and goods were pretty much the same as everywhere else in Taiwan, since it’s the same 7/11 or Watsons. 200~300 NTD for a good meal at a restaurant. I didn’t buy much in terms of goods because I already had everything I needed.

I’d say the only downside about living there was that I got lonely after some time. While I did have friends, there is little to no nightlife and foreigners are a rare sight. After three months, I was starting to really look forward to moving to Taipei!

What I enjoyed the most were definitely the beaches. Here’s an album of my best pics, with most of them being from Penghu. I highly recommend going to all these places!


The school website says that the public transport and taxi is limited and you better have driving license and scooter to get around… how did you manage your transportation there?

Your photos look absolutely amazing! How did you took them, with a drone?

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With his giant arm.


So you’re the other foreigner I saw on my last visit!

Seriously, your photos are great. I went to Jibei, Qimei, and Wang’an last time, my favorite being Wang’an. I’m rooting for the OP to take the plunge and try living on Penghu :happyrunningaround:

Beautiful Wang’an

My room on the beach


Great photos Steve. I also very much enjoyed the solitude on Wang’an and Qimei and regret not staying overnight when I visited .

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Marc, what is the most convenient way to get to Penghu? By ferry? By plane?

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Of course most convenient is plane from main island of Taiwan.
Call it a puddle-jumper (up and down like a duck flying from pond to pond).
Can take a boat, but it would be a few hours.


Your photos are absolutely gorgeous. Were there something you didnt like about Wang an? Don’t be afraid to discourage me or something, i will go there anyway haha. How did you get there? Did you take the boat from Magong?

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I liked everything on Wang’an, but I was there only for a 24-hour period. It’s great to visit but I can’t imagine living there unless your family is there or you’re a retired fisherman. Penghu itself has enough modern infrastructure and conveniences to make living there possible and enjoyable.

Yes, there are boats from Magong to all the outer islands of Penghu.