I have a new MSN Messenger problem, which I haven’t seen before. Usually you can’t log in and some error message shows up right? But no, this time, all of a sudden when I click on the icon, the software doesn’t even start. Nothing shows up. It’s like nothing happened.
I can see a msn messenger process in the task manager, however it doesn’t show up. I have tried killing the process and clicking msn again. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling msn, restarting the comp, nothing works.
What was the behavior of the program before it “disappeared”. Anything unusual happening? or maybe you were being hit with alot of unwanted messages from unknown sources?
is it using cpu cycles or just sitting idle? What’s the memory usage (idle I think is 11,000k)
It would also be helpful if you went to the event viewer and checked for any error messages there. You can access that by going to start—>programs—>admin tools----->event viewer(or computer management). This is of course you have XP Pro and you have enabled the admin tools from the start menu.
Your right it is weird…but not unheard of. My yahoo will sometimes do this however a reboot usually fixes it.
My OS is windows XP. I can’t seem to locate the “admin tools” that you specify. The processes are pretty idle, generally 7000 to 14000. The msn version is the latest available. I’ve also actually installed older version 7.5 but still the same.
The icons I am clicking are any msn icon, the desktop, start menu, within the installation folder, it’s all the same. What happened was, my msn was running perfectly fine, and then all of a sudden it just froze. Just the msn froze, everything else was ok. I killed the process, tried to restart msn, and the problem started. I did not download anything, click on any links, accept any file transfers, nothing. I am usually very careful about that.
Generally I am able to resolve most of my msn problems, and even if I can’t, it will automatically resolve in like several hours. But this new problem is strange, been going on for 2 days and I can’t resolve it. Seems like something is seriously wrong. Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks.
It would help if we had an error code (obviously). You actually have to enable admin tools. To do this you can right click on the task bar and go to properties. It brings up the “taskbar and start menu” click on the start menu tab then the customize classic start menu button. In there you will see a section for advance start menu options. One of those options is the admin tools, check the box and then ok. Once you get that you can access the tools and go to the events. There should be an event where the msnmsg.exe tried to load and failed or tried to run and failed…and hopefully it will give a reason why.
Windohs and MsN can do freaky things…and they will frustrate you to the point of taking a hammer to them. If you cant resolve it reformat might be your last option (I have reformatted for less).
Can you load the embedded version of messenger 4.7?
I did as you said, and I can’t see any event logs related to msn. Only when I installed Msn, it’ll say installed complete in the log. But nothing when I try to start it.
I’m not sure what embedded messenger is 4.7…is it just a really old version?
Hi, yes it is an older version it comes with windohs xp. Start---->programs—accessories. The icon looks a little different than windohs live. Pity about the event viewer, I should have mentioned to look in the Application setting and the System setting in that viewer. If the service(MSN) isn’t starting or showing errors you do have a problem. So lets run through a check list. You have reinstalled MSN countless times to no avail. Have you tried logging in on a different system to rule out Microsoft targeting you (bad guy!). If you can log in on a diff system then your windohs is broken. It’s time to reinstall…ether use the repair counsel or reinstall windohs clean. Try 4.7 messenger first from that location I mentioned…if it still works…well maybe your not meant for messenger live.
When I try to connect using MSN, it simply wouldn’t connect and there are
no error messages. I am on Windows XP and I’ve tried everything. MSN 7.5,
8.0, 8.1, uninstall and then reinstall, restarting the computer, restarting
the router, anti virus and anti spyware, etc. Nothing works. It’s been like
this for 5 days and doesn’t look like it’s gonna get better. What happens is
7.5 - I click on the desktop icon, MSN sign in software pops up, I click on
sign-in and the icon spins, but after a while just gets stuck. The software
hangs and I have to close it using task manager. At the end CPU usage for
that process is 84000.
8.0, 8.1 - When I click on the desktop icon, the software doesn’t even
start. Nothing pops up. There is a msn task in the task manager that’s at
7000-14000. Everytime I click on the desktop icon there’s another process in the
task manager, but nothing show up on screen. Weird thing is when I unplug my router, the software will pop up as soon as I unplug it. But
of course, once I plug it back in, it will be like 7.5 and just freeze.
Look like as soon as the MSN tries to connect to the internet, it freezes.
Hey Aceman, this totally sucks that it came back to bug you.
[quote=“Aceman”]Weird thing is when I unplug my router, the software will pop up as soon as I unplug it. But
of course, once I plug it back in, it will be like 7.5 and just freeze. [/quote]
OK this sorta of rings a bell. Not to long ago I went to install Ubuntu, I had a problem that was almost identical. The live o/s (can use without installing it just ran of the CD) would never work…only went so far then froze.
To make a long story short I found out through trail and error that the o/s would work fine if I unplugged the wireless antenna. It hated going wireless during the installation.
So…grasping at straws…but are you wireless? I am also presuming that you have no other issues with the Internet and that your yahoo messenger works well. This is some weird msn bug only?
Well, I suppose it is good in the interests of Balance and what have you, but most of the posts around complaining about M$ Messenger are complaints about not being able to get rid of it! A first for Forumosa…
[quote=“Blackrobe”]Hey Aceman, this totally sucks that it came back to bug you.
[quote=“Aceman”]Weird thing is when I unplug my router, the software will pop up as soon as I unplug it. But
of course, once I plug it back in, it will be like 7.5 and just freeze. [/quote]
OK this sorta of rings a bell. Not to long ago I went to install Ubuntu, I had a problem that was almost identical. The live o/s (can use without installing it just ran of the CD) would never work…only went so far then froze.
To make a long story short I found out through trail and error that the o/s would work fine if I unplugged the wireless antenna. It hated going wireless during the installation.
So…grasping at straws…but are you wireless? I am also presuming that you have no other issues with the Internet and that your yahoo messenger works well. This is some weird msn bug only?[/quote]
Nope, I am not wireless. Thanks for the concern tho. It looks like it’s a router/connection problem from my side…this time it doesn’t look like it’s gonna fix itself…really sucks…
Unfortunately the router is not in my room. it’s with my landlord. I’ve asked them to reboot the router, plug n unplug, etc, no use. The landlord claims he is also having the same exact problems as me. I can’t imagine why the router would be broken tho…i mean everything else works…all other chat programs, web services, etc all work. Only msn doesn’t work. I guess the only thing left to try is replace the router and see what happens…if you have any ideas please let me know. Thanks!
Funny I have the same configuration as you (my Landlord/roomate also has the router in his room). It sounds like you have 2 options as this point. Reformat or try another router before purchasing a new one. You could also access the router and find out what ports are being used but I have no idea what port MSN uses and I think yahoo and all the others use the same port. What about your anti virus software, I have been trying Kapersky (sp?) and it is really funny with some programs…it hates my yahoo messenger but not msn.
still no luck. I deleted my anti-virus programs, and now just run online virus scans from trend. The problem still persists…right now I am asking the landlord to change the router but they’re lagging big time…