That’s right folks! The ol’ Muddy Basin Ramblers fronted by the inimitable David Chen will be tearing it up this Saturday at Bliss. Come one, come all. Step right up! Blow the cobwebs out and help us celebrate that Irish thingy for a paltry NT$200. 10 o’ clock sharp.
But I do have it on good authority that there will be a gig in April when big Ben from Oz is in town. And on that day, I shall return to Taipei and dance in my most annoying fashion! Hooray!
I’ll not torture you with any more of my woefully self-indulgent dribble about how fucking stupid I am and how I could have been at this gig right now, but FUCK I wish I was there.
Damn, what a show that was. If I lived in the city I’d go see if Bliss was still standing, 'cause I could have swore we brought the whole place down last night.