Munchkin cup replacement straws

hey all,

we used to be able to buy replacement straws for the munchkin cups our son uses.


these are NOT the purple/green ones for the newer cups - found them everywhere.

however, we haven’t been able to find these in taoyuan/chungli, and i didn’t even see them back in canada when we were there. they are still listed though …

we’re off to taipei on saturday, so i was wondering if anyone knows a store that sells them. just hoping to not have to run around too much, especially since neither the wife nor i know taipei all that well.

thx in advance.

You could visit the store “New Mama”, Nanking East Road Sec 5, no. 64, basement. Tel 2760-2111. It’s huge, and they have more varietly of everything for kids than I have seen in any other store. I avoid it for that reason, it’s just too overwhelming. You can take one of many buses along Nanking East Road, and there is parking nearby. You could always call and see if they have the old ones. Hope that helps.