Murtha Should Apologize to the Marines at Haditha … Q4MzNhM2Q=

He can apologize as soon as the marines apologize to the families of the 7 children and 8 other civilians they killed.

They were not guilty of what they were accused of. Hurtha is in a position of great responsibility. We hear a lot about rights being lost under the Bush administration or Patriot Act. It is ironic that the real rights being lost are often the right to being treated as innocent until proven guilty and in this case, the liberal left and media are often engaging in witch trials.

Shouldn’t that read “They were not found guilty of what they were accused of.”?

Fine I will give you that they were “found” not guilty, Rascal. But then, I would imagine that you will have to be a bit more objective by not allowing allegations of abuse and torture to be taken as proof of their occurrence. Again, this all comes back to standards. Do you have any objective ones? or do you just go on the attack when the US is involved and pooh pooh away any evidence whether resulting from court “findings” or not? Regardless, the findings are in and as Murtha is a member of Congress, one would expect that he would at the very minimum make an apology to those whose names he sullied. If he has the proof of their guilt, then let him come forward with it. That clearly is not the case so he should apologize or someone should sue him for defamation. How’d that meet with your “standards?”

FS - Look at the testimony of Sgt. Sanick Dela Cruz - one of those who had the charges dismissed.

Look where? did you supply a link?

These Marines apparently weren’t tried according to Guantanamo rules, which, as I understand them from news reports, are that if you think an accused is going to be found not guilty in a court of law then you avoid courtrooms like the plague.

It’s hard to keep up with exactly what our “legal standards” are these days in the sense of some universal body of principles. As far as I can tell, whatever real “principles” we have left any longer are completely relative to the situation and who the defendant is. In other words, our legal system is now the moral and intellectual equivalent of a two-dollar crack whore.

Hail Bush! Hail McCain! We want the payoff but don’t give us no pain!

Predictable response, but having independent organisations / experts examine detainees and find physical proof of torture is beyond allegation, unless you can prove that their evidence is not valid.

You’re the one making the claim. I’d have thought a bit of basic research by you first would have been in order.

Here’s a report a quick Google turns up. I don’t have the time or inclination to search for more.

Was I making a claim? You mean that seven of eight have either had their cases dismissed or been acquitted? Well, ain’t that true? Now, I suppose, the bar gets raised to criticizing our whole legal and military tribunal system which was fine before until after the verdicts were announced. Now, it is no longer to be accepted…

Well, thanks for that link. Shall we read it in its entirety together? Okay… Read on…

So, we have one person who gets immunity and has been pressured into making a deal who has changed his testimony five different times? I think I understand now why the charges have been dismissed. But given that you do not, we can come to only one conclusion: OUR rights and constitutions are being ripped apart by the evil Bush administration which intends to take over power forever, except of course when it leaves office as scheduled Jan. 20… er… yeah… so many things to keep an eye on… so many rights to be lost… such blatant barbarism, abuse and torture…so many willful killings… why the US is just as bad as Saddam. Why we thought we should invade Iraq has clearly been proved wrong right here and now. Sign me up as a convert to the Cause. Now, if only I could find the faith to believe in global warming and catastrophic climate change…

No, we have the one person who still has charges pending against him saying that the key witness changed his story 5 times. Big difference.

OJ got off too.

Should we apologize to him?

I suppose it’s difficult to read clearly when you’re hyperventilating but there’s a significant difference between “is being sued” and “is considering suing.”

Here’s a prediction. None of the accused Marines will sue Murtha for libel or slander. Why not? Because Murtha’s defense attorneys would see to it that they’d have to face known insurgent propagandists like Iman Waleed in a court room:

Haditha victims’ kin outraged as Marines go free

“Iman Waleed recounts the killing of seven members of her family that occurred on Nov. 19, 2005, in Haditha, Iraq.”

It is kind of hard to sue someone for calling you a cold-blooded killer when a 1 year old baby, 6 other children aged 14 or less, a 76 year old grandfather (shot 9 times) and his 66 year old wife as well as 15 other civilians were killed by those Marines.

They should face an Iraqi court.

Well, well, well…

We have gotten awfully far from the evil marines are guilty as sin to discussing why they (haha) do not have a case against Murtha…

So much for that slam dunk case…

Military did everything to hide the pictures marines did to document their massacre. Small children shot in the head from close range.
Many years later journalists finally were able to get them out trough lawsuits supported by surviving family members of the victims. It shows a glaring failure by American justice system to hold war criminals and murderers accountable.
