Music terms

I’m creating flashcards for all the words I find useful (or in some cases “would” find useful if I knew them) when teaching English with music. Here they are listed alphabetically…

(I’ll come back and add to this list as it grows. * means not reality tested.)

Analyze - fen1xi1
Analogy - xiang1si4
Association - lien2jie2
Bass - di1yin1
Bass (drum) - ?
Beginning to end - cong2 tou2 dao4 wei3
Blues - lan2diao4
Chorus - fu4ge5
Collection - shou1ji2
Collocation - da4pei1
Colloquial - kou3yu3hua4 de hua4*
Commitment - ?
Connotation - han2yi4
Country and Western - Xiang1chun1 yin1yue4
Create - zhuang4zao4
Cymbal - ba2
Describe - miao2shu4/ xing2rong2
Discover - fa1xian4
Dictation - ting1xie3
Distinction - qu1bie2
Ending - jie2ju2
Euphemism - wei3wan3de shuo1fa3
Explore - tan4suo3
Folk -
Flow - liu2
Genre - lei4xing2
Harmony - he2xie2
Heavy Metal -
Idiom - pian4yu3
Idiomatic translation - yi4yi4 (de fan1yi4*?)
Improvise - shui2ji4ying4bian4
Instrument - ?
Interpret - quan2shi4
Jazz - jue2shi4
Judge - cai2pan4
Lead singer - zhu3 chang2
Literal - an4 zhao4 zi4 mian4 de5 yi4si5
Literal translation - zhi2yi4 (de5 fan1yi4*?)
Lead guitar -
Lyric - ge1ci2
Melody (vocal characteristic of song) - qu3
Metaphor - bi3yu4 de5 shuo1 fa5
Miscellaneous - za2xiang4
Mnemonic - bang1zhu4 ji4yi4
Morphology - ?
Pause - zhan4ting2
Pitch - ying1gao1*
Play (an instrument) - yan3zou4*
Poet - shi1ren2
Poetry - shi1
Prefix - zi4shou3
Preview - yu4gao4/xi2
Rehearse - cai3pai2
Rhyme - ya1yun4
Rhythm - jie2zou4
Rock n Roll - yao2 gun3 yue4
Song - ge1
Songbook - ge1ben3*
Song Title - ge1 ming2
Songwriter - liu2xing2 ge1qu3 zuo4zhe3*
Struggle - zheng1zha2
Style - feng1ge2
Subjective -
Subtle - wei4miao4
Suffix - zi2wei3
Symbolize - dai4biao3
Taste - pin3wei4
Tempo - pai1ze5
Turn it on - da3 kai1
off - guan1 diao4/ shang5
up - da3 shang1 yi4dian3
down - xiao shang1 yi4dian3
Verse (as opposed to chorus) - ?

May I ask how you say “banjo” in Chinese?