Muslim youth urinate on the Bible … 02,00.html

TWO Muslim students have been expelled from an Islamic school in Melbourne for urinating and spitting on a Bible and setting it on fire.
The explosive incident has forced the East Preston Islamic College to call in a senior imam to tell its 650 Muslim students that the Bible and Christianity must be respected.

Anxious teachers at the school have also petitioned principal Shaheem Doutie, expressing “grave concern” about an “inculcation of hatred and radical attitudes towards non-Muslims” at the school, including towards non-Muslim teachers.

The Bible desecration took place last week at a school camp held near Bacchus Marsh, about 50km west of Melbourne, attended by 33 teenage Muslim boys ranging in age from Year7 to Year 10.

A school report of the incident, obtained by The Australian, says it happened late at night and involved three students and another two watching.

“The main perpetrator (a Year 7 student) urinated on the Holy Bible, tore some pages from the Holy Book and burnt them then finally spat on the Holy Book,” the report says.

The second boy, from Year 9, “tore pages from the Holy Book and burnt them”, while a third student, from Year 7, “tore pages from the Holy Bible and then he rolled it up like a cigarette and pretended to smoke it”.

The boys come from a variety of ethnic Muslim backgrounds – one is believed to be an Albanian/Malaysian, another Lebanese and another Indonesian.

Mr Doutie, whose school receives about $3.9 million in state and federal government funding each year, told The Australian yesterday that both he and the school community were appalled by the Bible desecration and that he had expelled the first two boys and suspended the third.

In a letter to all staff on Monday, Mr Doutie wrote: "The school unconditionally apologises for this horrible act as conducted by some illiterate and ignorant students while under the care of EPIC teachers.

"We regard the desecration of the Bible in a very serious light and therefore we have taken serious action against the offenders.

“The Bible is an important book both for non-Muslims and Muslims and should be treated as a holy book by all religions.”

Mr Doutie said he did not believe that the boys realised the significance of their act.

But to ensure it did not happen again he had called in the assistant imam of the Newport Mosque, Oman Haouli, to tell the students that the Bible was a sacred book. “My lesson to them was to respect their neighbours and respect all religions,” Mr Haouli said yesterday.

But the desecration incident has shaken the nerves of the school’s teachers, about half of whom are non-Muslim.

A petition signed by 22 teachers expressed “anguish and dismay at the grave incident of the desecration of the Holy Bible”.

“This whole incident implies a deep hatred inculcated in the students towards the Christians/non-Muslim teachers,” it says.

The petition said there had been “previous incidents of students misbehaving towards non-Muslim teachers”.

It called on the school to “take steps to rectify this explosive situation” to ensure the safety of teachers.

Mr Doutie said the school had tried to contact the parents of the expelled boys to find out why they had desecrated the Bible. But he said the school had not received a response.

EPIC is an eight-year-old primary and secondary school in Melbourne’s north that caters mostly to the children of working-class immigrant Somali and Lebanese families.

The Bible desecration comes at a time of heightened tension among Australia’s 300,000-member Islamic community, many of whom believe their religion is being unfairly discriminated against because of terrorism fears.

Many Muslims remain angry about the public humiliation suffered by their spiritual leader, the mufti Taj Din al-Hilali, after the Sheik likened female rape victims to pieces of meat who brought the attacks on themselves.

I think I can start a holy war now. Oh wait, shucks, Jesus says to turn the other cheek. But the OT says to defend the Holy Words.

:runaway: What does a pious Christian do in this situation?

[quote=“Namahottie”]I think I can start a holy war now. Oh wait, shucks, Jesus says to turn the other cheek. But the OT says to defend the Holy Words.

:runaway: What does a pious Christian do in this situation?[/quote]


The Koran states that is an offence to piss on any prophet. In the Koran it states that a woman who was a virgin ( that would be Mary ) gave birth to the Prophet ( that would be Jesus ). It is forbidden to insult any of the Prophets… not just that M fella.

Like Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h.) the word of Prophet Jesus (p.b.u.h.) are to be taken as the messengers of God.

Hence defacing the Holy Bible (or the Jewish Torah) is the same as defacing the Koran. Both lead to a fiery hellish end… indeed The Prophet considered Christians and Jews to be part of the Islamic Ummah (believers in one God). Those that did not make war against Muslims were to be protected and their places of worship protected.

Somehow those idiots didnt know I reckon! It makes sense to me if you belong to a religion TO READ YOUR HOLY BOOK!!!

[quote=“Satellite TV”][quote=“Namahottie”]I think I can start a holy war now. Oh wait, shucks, Jesus says to turn the other cheek. But the OT says to defend the Holy Words.

:runaway: What does a pious Christian do in this situation?[/quote]


The Koran states that is an offence to piss on any prophet. [/quote]
How did they write that in classical Arabic?

What? I thought they did this every Friday…?

Islam recognizes the divinity of the “Torah,” “Psalms”, and “Evangel” (not just as concepts, but as holy books revealed by prophets) but rejects as corrupt the versions which Jews and Christians have. For example, the New Testament that we have now associates companions with God.

For that reason it is entirely consistent with Islam to forcefully repudiate the Bible. The only reservation would be the danger of possibly defiling the name of God–especially if we are speaking of an Arabic translation.

Oh good grief. Are people fighting over whose imaginary dad can beat up whose again?

My Holy Book is better at absorbing piss than your Holy Book.

Isn’t that because your holy book is entirely constituted of toilet paper?

Blow up Venezuela.

Soft, suppliant, and thoroughly absorbent.

At least they didn’t burn 'em. That really gets my goat.
Especially if they start 'em on fire, and then pee on them saying they were just trying to douse the fire.
It’s the Thin Edge of The Wedge, I say.
Off w’der 'eads.
Splittists! :cookie:

When is Jerry Fawell gonna have his say on this matter. The Bible belt preachers in the States should have some “interesting” commentary. :s

Funnily enough, this is considered the proper way to dispose of a Koran that is at the end of its life (worn out, damaged, otherwise not suitable for further use or study). I remember as a kid the neighbours standing out in the yard with their brand new Koran, the whole family gathered around in silence to see the old one burned.

Actually, if you read the OP, it said:

Hey guys, IT’S JUST A

sheesh :unamused:

I bought a copy of Kafka on the Shore in NY last summer and left it in the damn rental car. I was more upset about that than I am about this. An arftyfartyguy took a piss and put a crucifix in it. SO what? Mohammed cartoonies. I’ve seen better. Santa taking a crap down a bad boy’s chimney is funny as hell. Jesus on a jetski saying “Why walk?” Kewl.

The Koran has a good system set up as it is inclusive of its own hypocrisy: Defile theirs? OK. Defile ours? Baaaad, Very bad. A very human book IMO.

Like painting yourself into a corner. :homer: d’oh!

That said, I need a Koran and a Bible in my house. The sofa is uneven.

Shoot, that’s nothing. Last Friday night I threw up on myself, lit myself on fire, and then urinated all over me. I did it in protest of the constant humiliation of me after I likened expatriate buxiban victims to pieces of meat who brought the attacks on themselves.

Ah bartleby, ah irony! :laughing:

i too used to do that most weekend evenings when i was a bit younger. wasn’t a protest about anything in particular, just too much partying.

Actually, if you read the OP, it said:

Actually, o master of the bloody obvious, I was being facetious.