My 11yr old daughter is being sued - can you believe it ?!

Well, I think the present case is being brought under the criminal law, and per Taiwan’s Criminal Code and its Code of Criminal Procedure, the Taiwan courts have jurisdiction over any criminal offense committed in Taiwan. For the purpose of this discussion, the term “offense” as used in the Taiwan law refers to both the act itself and the effect thereof.

In any event, Taiwan’s Law Governing The Application Of Laws To Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements regulates how and when Taiwan laws apply to foreign nationals. Artlcle 1 of that law addresses the issue of applicable law with respect to aliens with or without disposing capacity.

kudos for not physically assualting them, if anyone attacked me or my family in a motor vehicle, I would defenitely be on dem.

Only once did I as a pedestrian get nicked by a scooter, but it was at a really low speed and da dude was apologetic enuff dat he only warranted a dirty look (a.k.a cut eye).

This case should be fought in the court of public opinion.

Where can this law be found? Do you have a link?

Where can this law be found? Do you have a link?[/quote] … e=B0000007

The link is in Chinese of course.

This is frequently referred to as Taiwan’s conflict of law rules. It is one of the “Major Laws” of the ROC.

My god! A girl about the age of your daughter once stepped out from between a couple of parked cars and the front strap of her backpack somehow got caught in my bicycle handlebars (This was in Scotland, by the way). The only way to stop dragging her down the road was for me to hit the front brakes and voluntarily go over the handlebars.

The first thing I did after I got up was ask her if she was OK. Poor thing was shocked, but OK.

NEVER would I have even entertained the thought of somehow getting money out of her and her family. In fact, it didn’t even occur to me to blame her in any way whatsoever. Whoever is trying to sue you/your daughter is a sick fuck and needs to be taught a lesson.

Good luck, and don’t back down.

I think it’s also a way for them to try and stay out of trouble. Like using reverse psychology.

New illness in taiwan called “greed”, never heared about it.:smiling_imp:

Judges in Taiwan or just not qualified. :s have no common sense and logic as many Taiwanese.

This is one instance where I would fully support the Baseball Bat and/or Pool Cue negotiating method.

These people need to be humiliated in public.

that’s the only word that describes taiwan.

that’s the only word that describes taiwan.[/quote]

:slight_smile: yes.

Someday, perhaps Chinese relationships with kids will be something akin to friendship. And who knows, people could grow up to be more friendly. :slight_smile:

For now, we have perhaps the most repressed and emotionally under-developed people in the world.

Xiao xin! Have a small heart! That’s what they tell their kids.

Good luck with everything morley. Maybe our great to the 20th power grand kids won’t have to deal with this stuff. Til then it sure is somethin’ living in Taiwan isn’t it?

Huh? A scooter hit your daughter at the edge of the road and you are offering to compensate the scooter rider? Why???

Huh? A scooter hit your daughter at the edge of the road and you are offering to compensate the scooter rider? Why???[/quote]

Rule of Law. Taiwan style. Ask Annette Lu. She’ll tell you Taiwan is a country where the Rule of Law and Human Rights are important. And everyone lives in perfect harmony. Side by side on my piano keyboard. So why can’t we?
the above post was regarding the teacher nabbed in the drug-ring bust last month.

i remember reading someone’s (michael turton?) blog about another writer. this writer stated that the expat community should take active interest and responsibility for the teacher since his treatment would represent how the taiwan society would treat expats in the future, especially influencing the taiwanese attitudes towards expats. mr. turton’s stance was that the writer had the right general idea, but was using the wrong case to support.

wouldnt this situation pretty much be something similar, but with less initial publicity? can the expat communit here research and support morley and his family in fighting this? it seems like this situation is something the expat community could get involved with, and would hopefully positively influence taiwanese attitudes toward expats.

Thanks for this, I wish this idea could be realized for others in trouble ! How can it be done though ?

We have a conclusion of sorts to this unbelievable situation with a motorcyclist running into my daughter and then suing for damages. The outcome was that after numerous uncivilized negotiating sessions and the other party trying to sue us

So go run her ass over and collect it back. You can borrow anyone of my 3 bikes.

Morley, that sucks, I’m truly sorry.

But for those who find this result bizarre (I agree), they should read up on something called contributory negligence (aka ‘but for’ negligence).

Most US states don’t follow this legal theory anymore because the results from such a law are unjust to most people. But, it’s a legitimate theory still used in some US jurisdiction and apparently Taiwan. See THIS for more detail.

Good luck.

Wow Morley. That truly sucks.

Someone suggested the Apple Daily. Would you like me to make the phone call? I’m serious.

Hell, this is outrageous enough for a Private Eye “Funny Old World” submission. I’m fairly sure any foreign paper would pick this up and run it. Tried the SCMP?

In any case. Sorry about that. Reasonably high chance the judge was slipped a little red envelope. In any case, there’s not much in the way of law here, and that which there is is randomly enforced. Bad luck. Do you feel like drawing this out? Can it be appealed? I would only appeal it though if you have huge media coverage. Although this sort of madness is a daily feature of Taiwanese courts, the defendant being a young western girl would ensure huge mdeia interest. If you can’t beat them, make a mockery of them.

Apple Daily, that’s a good idea.