My Answer to the Hello Kitty Girls

i think the real problem with the hello kitty culture is it’s a waste of femininity. i for one am sickened by women who flaunt their sexuality in a grown up body but don’t have the maturity to use it. in other words, they show it but you’ll never partake of any because she’s in cutesy mode with her big group of friends, and treats boys and girls in a highschoo-lish, group think unisex fashion. this kind of sick b$%^ deserves to be deleted by admin. :wink:

am i expecting flack for my comments? you bet. don’t give a crap.

and i think hello kitty on a bottle of boujelais is the height of stupidity and the hallmark of a society in the death throws of sickness.

[quote=“theposter”]i think the real problem with the hello kitty culture is it’s a waste of femininity. i for one am sickened by women who flaunt their sexuality in a grown up body but don’t have the maturity to use it. in other words, they show it but you’ll never partake of any because she’s in cutesy mode with her big group of friends, and treats boys and girls in a highschoo-lish, group think unisex fashion. this kind of sick b$%^ deserves to be the forced star of a Japanese hentai film in my opinion.

am i expecting flack for my comments? you bet. don’t give a crap.

and i think hello kitty on a bottle of boujelais is the height of stupidity and the hallmark of a society in the death throws of sickness.[/quote]

take a chill pill and relax :slight_smile: I know what you mean. I didnt get any in High School either. I had to find a girl who was 22 and in college to get some fun when i was in high school. :slight_smile:

It should come as no surprise, then, that I also own the infamous Hello Kitty vibrator. It’s exactly what one would expect it to be: small (5.5"), pink and topped off by a little Hello Kitty cradling a little waving teddy bear betwixt her legs. It’s a pretty disturbing feature, that waving teddy bear. Intended to be inviting, it gives the vibrator a little more personality than a sex toy needs.

Quality, comfort, and price… that’s nice.
As with all Hello Kitty products, the vibrator is demure and harmless, definitely not as intimidating or complicated as The Rabbit. Switched on, it lets off a revved-up purr and vibrates ever so gently, almost so as not to disturb.

…which is not to say it won’t get you off. With patience and tender, loving care, Hello Kitty will bring sunshine, happiness and wave after wave of pleasure to your life.

Technical Specifications
Power: 6V DC, from 4 1.5V “AA” batteries or A.C. adaptor (available by mail-order)
Dimensions: standard model Ø = 18.6mm, length = 38.6mm; other sizes available on request
Operating Frequency: 60 Hz
Safety Features: waterproof, shock resistant, flame retardant and self-lubricating
Made in: Taiwan

“Batteries Sold Seperately”

Dude, you need to hang out with different women. I’ve been here many moons, and I’ve seen all kinds of women. Why waste your time with those vacuous twits when there are some truly fine women around? Unless you think all women here are like that, and then I’d propose that maybe the problem is you. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]and i think hello kitty on a bottle of Beaujolais is the height of stupidity and the hallmark of a society in the death throws of sickness.[/quote]Awww…This is just marketing plain & simple.
Some yoyo head finally figured out that Beaujolais comes out every year and it has its own built-in PR.
So he gets the “briliant” idea to contact a vineyard and have them slap some Hello Kitty labels on their less-than-spectacular dregs and Oil’a! we have Taiwanese Hello Kitty Beaujolais on the corner 7-11 shelves.

Hell, they are even going to sell a sampling of gouda, Camembert and brie to make the whole “Hello Kitty Beaujolais Experience” come true.

Marketing my man…thats all it is…marketing.

What about Hello “Voodoo” Kitty?

[quote]i think the real problem with the hello kitty culture is it’s a waste of femininity. i for one am sickened by women who flaunt their sexuality in a grown up body but don’t have the maturity to use it. in other words, they show it but you’ll never partake of any because she’s in cutesy mode with her big group of friends, and treats boys and girls in a highschoo-lish, group think unisex fashion. this kind of sick b$%^ deserves to be the forced star of a Japanese hentai film in my opinion.

Women who don’t have sex with you should be raped on camera?

That’s pretty disturbed, theposter. By the way, you seem to think they are not having sex. Let me assure you they are, just not with you.

If you want to get laid, and you’re not what the little princess types are looking for (tall, blond, rich, handsome, tich, tall, good hair, rich, tall, and um…tall) you may want to look elsewhere. There’s more than one kind of girl in taiwan.

I think you need to buy one of these:

[quote=“Little Pig”]I think you need to buy one of these:



hey gimme back my guitar

and he better hope he doesnt take the EVA HELLO KITTY JET to Japan !!

Hello Rottweiler

When I lived in Mexico I had a lot of this explained to me rather well.
See, in traditional parts of Mexico it is okay for a woman to flaunt it because she is almost always escorted by a male family member who ensures her safety and virtue.
So a woman can show it and not be in danger or presumed willing.
In the US woman who flaunt it are both putting themselves in danger and presumed to be willing. But just because it is that way in the US does not mean it should be world wide, right?

thanks for the comments. and the tolerance at my ranting.
see, that’s what forumosa should be for. rant a little, get slapped around a little, but in the end, it’s all okay cause we’re just letting off steam.

why are you using sweet, cute, innocent, precious ‘Hello Kitty’ to vent your frustrations with women??!!

why not blame ‘Snoopy’, or ‘Mickey Mouse’, or gee whiz, ‘Miffy’.

the pop culture is just that, pop culture. ‘Hello Kitty’ doesn’t have as much authority as you suspect. she is just a fun-loving, simple, happy girl. just because she doesn’t back up against you with her tail held high and her loins swelled, and pheromones wafting, doesn’t mean you are worthless and weak. it just means she has other plans for the day…eating gummy worms, laughing at cute bunnies, and lofting balloons.

don’t blame the kitty. she is good. you are freaking out over a cartoon icon. give it a break and look a little deeper.

your connection between pop culture and you being rejected by women is lame and misplaced. look a little deeper next time.


never said I was being rejected!^^ but some guys are.

I think what theposter is getting at is that the cute-obsessed subset of taiwanese culture is extremely annoying and it encourages immaturity. It causes some girls here to be stuck in “high school mode” until their mid to late 20s.

high school mode till mid twenties or late twenties is not a great evil, and ok by me :slight_smile:

I came home today and found my girlfriend packing her bags.

“What are you doing? You’re leaving?!”



“I found out that you were a pedophile!”

“My…that’s an awfully big word for a 12 year old.”

I came home today and found my girlfriend packing her bags.

“What are you doing? You’re leaving?!”



“I found out that you were a pedophile!”

“My…that’s an awfully big word for a 12 year old.”[/quote]

FRICKIN HILARIOUS but notice i said ‘MODE’ even tho she is mid to late twenties . Besides 12 year olds are in JUNIOR HIGH no??

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah-blah BLAH. Blah blah blah blah “blah” blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Hello Kitty blah blah blah blah-blah-blah blah and (v)oila blah blah blah Blah Hello Kitty blah blah blah blah 7-11 blah.

Blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah gouda, camembert, and brie…[/quote]

Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention until you started mentioning French cheese. Will the camembert be properly ripened? Not into a Hello Kitty bottle of glorified ripple, but I am all about the free cheese!


i still don’t see the connection between a cartoon icon and the behavior of some women.

it seems like a rubber crutch to me.

would you rather they exemplify some anime porn goddess?

that’s still putting the blame on some external, imaginary presence.

a poor choice of scapegoats if you ask me.

and what is “cute-obsessed” culture??

are they wearing kitty ears and running around saying, “hello, hello” ??

they are just trying to get attention, which the poster has given them, but they have not returned any.

who cares. they are just having fun with their friends seeing how many boys eyes they can turn. the poster is one of them too.

let them live and play and do what they do. it’s not hurting anyone.

except maybe the egos of some who wish to accomplish certain goals with the schoolgirl persona, hoping to find a pair of hello kitty panties, only to be giggled at and turned down.

leave my kitty baby out of this nonsense.
