My Cats and Kittens

I like her already haha

And you might have guessed Poy is my Boy
He’s the closest to me with bunny a close second

Goldie unfortunately has never reached a high enough level of interaction as yet but we are working on it

Previously he did his thing and we had trouble catching him but now with his war with Poy over what I don’t know it’s

Fight on Sight with those two and it’s terrible
Goldie is now restricted to a bedroom (he rotates between the main bedroom and the guest room) and he had to stay there with the door closed when we are away because Poy will go under the bed and attack him

It may be Goldie may need to be a single cat ina loving different home

But Tammy says ‘No we don’t give away cats!!’

It will be for his well being though

Goldie should not exist just in the bedroom

I think Poy will have the same problem with another boy cat

That’s why he doesn’t like Urus or Blanco

Think the boy cats are not coming today but I’m not sure

The girl cats miss them and don’t want to eat much when they are not with Urus and Blanco

Specially Urus now

The bully himself at rest
He’s a bad boy to goldie

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You do not restrict cats to a room.

The cat will dig a hole into the door or something. I find that when I shut the door on a cat, they will make a cat door.

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Good point but it’s self exile in this case

He won’t leave the room because Poy attacks him on sight !

The closed door is not to keep him in it’s to keep Poy out

Actually this is important, but since cats like to dig holes in doors, how do I reassure a landlord that I will not damage his property with cats? I know Taiwanese landlords tends to be more chill, if you are renting a gongyu (as opposed to luxury apartments, who tends to be really anal)?

If I line the lower portion of the door with a steel plate, will this make it more cat proof?

They will destroy the part on top of the plate

Think you just have to let the cats tell you what they want

Cats are headstrong
NO is not in their language

Wouldn’t the cat be digging the lower portion where the door gap exists? If I reinforce that part with steel, it would be hard for the cat to dig at it.

I suppose I could just replace the door whenever I move out, but if I can’t have a stable place, as landlords seem to just not renew me after 2 years (or for one reason or another, I can’t continue renting the place), it gets really expensive.

Last place I epoxy filled the portion the cat dug out, then glued a wood laminate over it so the landlord wouldn’t notice…

A glued on aluminum sheet could work if you have to keep them in that room
But best let them have full run of the house

Not always possible. If I want to use AC then some doors must be closed. We don’t have whole house AC here like they do in the states.

True that
Keep the cat in the room that he likes best maybe ?

If I owned the place I’d be putting holes in the wall for a cat door or whatever, and probably adding cat ramps and walkways…

And a whole house AC is impractical and expensive to install in Taiwan. You’d need ductwork but more importantly, proper insulation or the tonnage requirement will result in extremely high energy bills.

Most whole house AC in the states is around 3 tons or so. In Taiwan that barely cools a large room.

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So the thing about cats and dogs are that even when they are adults they are still KITTENS INSIDE. Sometimes we forget that when they are being bad.

The other day Ollie Po was being aggressive towards Goldie so I thought I would take him to the basement garage of the house, a place he had not previously gone to but always appeared to want to go everytime i open the door to the garage. Not thinking of it as punishment, more as a distraction for him to calm down. But he started Meowing loudly in distress, a meow he does when he is really scared. I felt bad. It wasnt my intention to scare him as a punishment more as something for him to explore to calm him down.

It occurred to me that although he was now a big 17 pound big tomcat, he was really just a scared little boy of 2 maybe 3 years old mentally.

Interesting that we can forget that.
Thats why cats and dogs should never be hit as punishment ( i never hit cats having read about that being very bad a thing to do…but that goes for dogs too)… And one has to remember they are really permanent 2 or 3 year old children mentally and any correction you do to them should take this into consideration :slight_smile:

not supposed to yell at cats either, which tammy does, i go with persistent nagging when they are bad…that seems to work.


Chittens are back today and since it’s their second arrival here they were totally at home and went about the house running around as usual. They are just a bit bigger and just a little bit better behaved now

And the House of Folds is already asking for them back lol

They just got here

Ollie is busy hissing at them but you know inside he is totally ecstatic. He doesn’t pace about meowing or demanding to go downstairs

And he’s much more active chasing the kittens and in turn being chased by them

He’s actually playing with them

Bunny is not impressed but at least being more civil with a lot of nose to nose in between the hissing

Goldie as usual is nonchalant about it

I think Goldie is basically a stoner


And of course in the House of Folds camp believe it or not Urus who the kittens seem closest to seems to be ok without them but Blanco is pacing about meowing like Poy was doing

Guess the kittens will have to rotate among the two houses regularly

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525 with Poy and the twin ‘ninja’ Savannah guards


Cats are complex creatures , tonight Ollie is mad at Bunny possibly because Bunny was locked in the bedroom with Goldie all day while everyone was out and attacked her

Bunny then ran back inside the bedroom and attacked Goldie

She was then kicked out by Tammy and now there is an uneasy truce going on

I guess maybe we should have stayed in Martinez where in our complex Bunny and Goldie could jump off the balcony or be let out to spend the day in the complex

They never went more than a few houses down and stay away from cars and other cats
And dogs so things were pretty good

The two got lots of exercise and outside time

Ollie was content to never be let out as he knows he is territorial. And likes to get into fights with other cats

So he’s content to walk on a harness
Far as I know no birds were caught by the two but of course one can not be sure

The bathroom has a bit of wasted space I’m sure no modern designer will make

Which is about 3 ft by 3ft with a sliding window that opens halfway the size of a full window
It’s just a vent for the bathroom. There is a floor about four feet down

Forgot to shut the window and Miura jumped down there and now we are in a pickle she couldn’t get out and we can’t get to her

Finally lowering a scratch step down there provided her the ladder to crawl back up


I hope they get way more chill when they are older

They can be quite a full time job right

The older cats when they do get into that space can easily jump out

It’s a total waste of space , the vent is nice but makes the shower cubicle very tiny and you have to spin around to get wet

As if life with three essentially gangster sibling cats wasn’t busy enough we have two incredibly active Savannah kittens now to
At least they are super sweet and not like some have been known to be problem children

The problem children remain our previously feral cats

Although they are incredibly sweet and gentle to us they aren’t with each other or outside cats

My bud is convinced they are baby puma and that’s why we got such a deal on them lol

They kinda do look like puma kitttens

I will start to worry if their spots disappear

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Are you worried your cat might eat you?

Yeah if it was a puma but they are not
They are very sweet

I remember Miura seeing me from down the hallway when I opened the door and she ran over to me as fast as her little little legs could take her

And last night I had Bunny next to my pillow and Ollie came over as well to my leg area and Miura came over and dug under cover and snuggled up next to me

They are very affectionate cats

Savannahs only become a problem if they are not shown a lot of attention and affection

And now Tammy doesn’t want to return them to the house of folds

Although we are supposed to share custody
Cuz one of these two belongs officially to the house of Folds

I see some Taiwanese every once in a while will walk a bengal cat on a leash… Is it good for the cat, or are the cat used to it?

I love petting them… it’s like the backhair of an angel…

Some cats take to walking on a leash well others don’t

My cats loved going fir walks on a harness

Well that is to say most of them not all

Bengals are known to like walks and so do Savannahs

Our whopper a Norwegian also liked walks

Ollie likes walks but only near the house as he scares easy