My gf told me that he made a move on her

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LOL dude you are such a stereotype of that British boxing douchebag in Ip Man 2. Entertainment industry? Big muscles? Gang connections? 18 year old girlfriend? Prison sentence? Mate I think you forgot to mention you also happen to have a 10 inch cock and that you know Jay Chou.

The try-hard bragging is very unconvincing and makes you seem like someone who was never good enough for their dad and is now trying to make up for it by being a big man on the internet.

You think youā€™re tough talking about roughing up some guy. Mate have you considered that if heā€™s like those typical imbalanced Taiwanese men on the news who kill their girlfriends or parents that if you try to bully him the nerd will get his revenge by killing those the bullies love. Donā€™t let your ego create risk for those around you.

maybe you should work on your maturity level rather than your boxing if this is what happens when a guy does something as minor as he did to your gf (who is obviously not totally innocent on this)

you said it yourself that you question her job. so you shouldnā€™t be surprised that a guy wanted more than english lessons from a non english native 18 yr old girl. the guy was obviously sleazy but you have nothing to be surprised about - from your earlier comments you knew what was up. and she is not as innocent and naive in this as you seem to think. but hey i will leave it at that as you obviously donā€™t want to hear the truth about this situation.

By the way if you think violence is something to grin about then have fun in jail again. But good on you for self-reflecting and working on your anger management. Know though that if other people (such as your girlfriend) have to deal with your issues and having to do damage control theyā€™ll very quickly run out of patience.

I have talked to her about her clients.

Hereā€™s the thing, for me in my mind I would never do this to a women. I would never touch a woman, do something that she didnā€™t want. So for me, this is unacceptable. In my mind, yeah, this guy was sleezy but hey, whatever, he can stare at her boobs and brag to her friend. But to push himself on her, thatā€™s different. You might have a different mindset, thats fine. But at the end of the day, there are some things iā€™m not cool with. Is it immature, maybe. iā€™ve worked on my anger issues, itā€™s much better now, but somethings makes my blood boil and i lose control. I take medication for it, so as much as it is me controlling it, thereā€™s is a underlining mental problem with me that I do regular go see the psychologist for help with. So instead of calling a guy whoā€™s clearly upset to work on his maturity level @BHL4life, how about some positive support. 4 years ago, I would have lost it and tracked the guy down. Today, I rant about it on the internet with strangers. Thats progress in my books.

Thats why I go to the gym so damn much and hit the bags. Or do some sort of physical activity to cope. At least in boxing violence is the solution and I get to punch the other guy as hard as i want, beside just sparing. But I lose my shit often, I usually overreact and have people around me to calm me down. Eventually I settle down. Itā€™s been an issue all my life. Suspended from school from fighting, ect ect.

Itā€™s terrible, I wish I could be like normal people, but I just lose absolute control over my anger. Itā€™s the worst feeling, iā€™ve been working on not reacting right away, but defusing the anger is another story. It just builds up sometimes.

Thousands of young

It was during the day at 2. No alcohol.

[quote=ā€œAndrew0409, post:18, topic:155370, full:trueā€]
And if also makes a difference, sheā€™s 18
[/quote]Oh my :howyoudoin:

JK. But thatā€™s like really young.

Yeah, she does not look 18 though. :wink:

Iā€™ve heard some language exchange meet ups have been held at KTV rooms before, mainly to learn the respective languages via singing. It wouldnā€™t be my ideal place for my gf to exchange languages though.

Beating the living daylights of the guy would be my first reaction as well so I am glad you are venting here instead of actually doing it. I wouldnā€™t want to see you on the news.

I think the biggest issue here is that he physically made contact with your gf without her consent. Thatā€™s pretty fā€™d up. Girls get hit on everywhere so thereā€™s nothing you can do, but to be physically assaulted is over the line. I do believe the sh*tbagā€™s wife deserves to know, although I wouldnā€™t be surprise if the wife just shrugs it off. Hopefully your gf dropped him as an exchange student. Way to keep your cool though, I know it must be hard.

Well, hereā€™s the practical part.
It would be difficult to prove that this guy did anything illegal. Sexual assault? Not really. And anyway it would be her word against his.
On the other hand, if you threaten him and heā€™s smart enough to record it, if you text him and he saves it, if you assault him and he documents it ā€“ youā€™re going down for that.
And as someone said before, as an attractive 18 year old foreigner in Taiwan ā€“ so somebody tried to sneak a kiss. So what. Is it wrong? Probably. It is uncommon? Uh, no. Itā€™s not unusual, so she feels itā€™s nothing to lose sleep over, so long as sheā€™s arranged never to be alone with the guy again, which it sounds like she has.

This girl is playing games with your head.

If he behaved properly, no foul. If he did something inappropriate like touching her, then he should be called out by someone.

And maybe she wants to retain some connection with him so is not giving out information.

the fact that she didnā€™t want to tell him shows that its no big thing, if she was in some distress about it and wants some help to get back at that dangerous kiss raper then surely she would tell you ASAP.

stop it with the white knighting here. she is earning money for looking like a hot young western girl. some guys might want to take it further. she needs to do these lessons in a suitable place and probably not even take guy clients if she doesnā€™t want to lead anyone on.

if this happened to me i would be pissed too, at my gf! for the ktv thing for a start and for the whole leading guys on while teaching them shitty english to boot.

On the one hand, itā€™s possible she doesnā€™t consider herself a victim of sexual assault.

On the other hand, exactly that type of thinking (ā€œsexual assault victims all respond in a certain way, or else they werenā€™t really assaultedā€) has recently been getting Canadian judges into trouble with their peers and the general public. Thereā€™s even talk of kicking them out of their jobs.

We actually had a pretty intense talk today, or more like a fight. Not just about this situation but with other shit thatā€™s been building up. Iā€™d usually never consider dating an 18 year old, I prefer older women or at least women my age. But she is quite the looker and she was very accepting of my past.

So basically she told me she didnā€™t want to tell me and make anymore out of it because she feels like it was partially her fault. She said it felt like she cheated on me when he kissed her. I think what sheā€™s saying makes sense. Iā€™ve volunteered with an organization helping rape victims before and she was saying a lot of what they say. Not to make light of rape but in the comparison. She basically told me she had a bad vibe from him, the ktv alone in a room without people was weird, maybe she did something to lead him on ect ect. So after that I just told her itā€™s not her fault that a guy inappropriately kissed her without her consent.

She also said she will not be taking anymore male clients.

Well I donā€™t like taking the lawful route, but her father is a famous lawyer internationally. So Iā€™m sure she could get a team of the best lawyers here.

Also, if he was to press charges for threatening him, be interesting to explain to his wife and grown ass daughter why I threatened him.

But I didnā€™t do either route. I just told him to apologize because he messed with the wrong guy and that he made a very poor decision.


Iā€™m telling you, this girl gets like a ridiculous amount of random messages a day from guys on Facebook, Instagram ect ect.

Yes her family is wealthy, but they arenā€™t the ones that give her a unlimited credit card. Sheā€™s working part time to kinda show her parents that sheā€™s capable. Sheā€™s in Taiwan because of a personal reason of something that happened. But also her brother studies in university here and her family does business in Taiwan and with Chinese companies. But they hate china because well, itā€™s nasty there. So they rather have a house here. So they are here a lot if they are not in Italy.


Problem is solved with my gf. We are good now and talked it through. Sheā€™s really the first girl I dated that actually deeply care about and she is young at 18 so Iā€™m a bit more protective then I would someone older. Yes I have some anger issues. I think I had the right to be angry but I definitely can react better. My physiologists calls it jail house mentality. Some of it is survival instinct and Iā€™m much better about it now. Iā€™m glad some of you guys took the time to calm me down and put things in perspective instead of egging me on and instigating me and allow me to rant here instead of doing something stupid and getting locked up again.

The members here that actually help the community is why I stick around.