My girlfriend's dream

Yet sometimes it doesn’t really matter what you do and say, they (women) still manage to turn the situation around on you.

You lads give some good confident advice :bravo: but somehow I (and I suspect I’m not alone) always seem to get myself in trouble. I think I’ll try to be more forceful and confident as you advise, but somehow I think I’ll always get the wrong end of the stick… :fume:

Theortetically, it all depends how desperate you are for sex and company. If you have no alternatives, you’ll let her play you like a cheap pinball game, never setting the relationship on an even footing. This is something she may already know, having phoned you with such an insane implication, as if to say it was YOUR fault she had this dream.

Let her stew, and don’t say a damn thing. She’ll come around. I would even suggest to her that you shouldn’t see each other for a while until she re-thinks her conduct. It’s time you turn the tables on her and wrest some control of the situation.

Realistcally, however, your relationship sounds doomed and unstable, to say the least. If you don’t feel like calling your gal because you know you’ll end up bickering at each other and it will ruin your week, you need a new gal.

Hey, I ain’t on no soapbox here. I have had a relationship similar to that and swore it would never happen again. They are difficult to end indeed. Only NOW can I see the signs that lead to relationships I don’t need and I cut 'em loose after a couple weeks because of things you are experiencing.

I’d go with the “Damn! You must have supernatural powers! Want to join in?” bit and go find a new one if she can’t laugh about that. Good excuse to anyway.

Then again, with that kind of a reaction, maybe she’s only 18 or so? :smiling_imp:

So I got into a spat wit the girl. She complains that I call her and then I say I have to go study with the implication that we haven’t been talking enough.
That’s what I am here for to study.

What the heck? We’ve been talking more than ever. 2-3 times a day averaging more than 1hr a day instead of before when it was more like 15 minutes a day.

So we haven’t talked for 2 days.

How long before I break and offer the olive branch without rewarding the bad behavior i.e. the puppy training?

d*mn girls.

[quote=“chichow”]…How long before I break and offer the olive branch without rewarding the bad behavior i.e. the puppy training?

d*mn girls.[/quote]
Once again, how old is she? How old are you? How long you been together? Do you think her behavior is ridiculous? Have you told her you think it’s ridiculous? If you have told her and she still behaves like a little biyotch then it’s byebyebye biyotch. Tell her, you have one life to live and you ain’t wasting any time on a whiny little biyotch when you could be doing some really great things like drinking beer.

she’s around 23. i’m like around 31. We’ve been together for 8 months.
I think its crazy, but then I have a sac hanging between my legs.

I guess I tell her its crazy, but then there is always that crazy monthly excuse.

[quote=“chichow”]I think it’s crazy, but then I have a sac hanging between my legs.

I guess I tell her its crazy, but then there is always that crazy monthly excuse.[/quote]
You just answered your own question: You’re willing to put up with it because you have a dick and you need to stick it in, yes?

You allow her to behave like a bitch because she menstruates, thereby giving her a lifelong pass to be a whiny little bitch for a week every month, yes? Honestly, “I’m on the rag therefore I can make your life living hell” is a lame ass excuse. If you let her get away with it, well, it is your issue not hers. Just stay away from her for a week every month.

*If you allow someone to push you around, they will push you around. Unless you tell them not to, they will continue to do so.

Maybe you just need to rant here. No worries, use this thread to rant all you want. Hope you feel better! :slight_smile:

Wow. It’s great being an outsider sometimes. Things are so clear and simple. This goes to Chee Chow and Dirt Merchant [drum roll…]


And you’re doing that P-whip thing (“oh, she really wants me… but she’s emotionally unstable… so I have to help her realize again that she wants me…”)

She has an excuse for the DUMP. The excuse is merely a formality that typically accompanies a DUMP. Because a DUMP without a passable excuse is like a present without wrapping paper. Don’t concentrate too much on the wrapping paper, people.




[quote=“Dirt Merchant”]My girlfriend just texted me to tell me she had a dream in which she saw me snogging another girl. Then she hung up, and won’t talk to me.

How psycho is that? WTF? I’m beginning to think she is a few tents short of a camping ground…[/quote]
My gf told me that whenever she has a bad dream about me, she knows that everything is okay. She said, “Our people believe the opposite of what we dream,” or some sh*t like that.

[quote=“Danimal”][quote=“Dirt Merchant”]My girlfriend just texted me to tell me she had a dream in which she saw me snogging another girl. Then she hung up, and won’t talk to me.

How psycho is that? WTF? I’m beginning to think she is a few tents short of a camping ground…[/quote]
My gf told me that whenever she has a bad dream about me, she knows that everything is okay. She said, “Our people believe the opposite of what we dream,” or some sh*t like that.[/quote]

You seriously need one of these…