So, after much arm twisting, yesterday I joined facebook. Yet more time wasted online. Yea.
Then, last night, I had a frightening thought.
What if all these people I know start sharing information about me? Not maliciously, but just as a matter of course. I mean, who’s on the contact list so far: cousin, friend, classmates, buddy, ex, ex, employer… This is just asking for worlds to collide.
That got me thinking some more.
Isn’t that sort of open-book approach to life, in some ways, a good idea?
But it’s not just an open book–hell, blogs and diaries aren’t new–it’s an open book that anyone can write in.
It’s a wikilife.
Then it dawned on me.
Worlds collide. In public, online, and everyone knows.
Not that I have anything to hide, of course. Of course not. I’m exactly the same with everyone I meet, and they all experience my cheerful countenance in precisely the same way.
Besides which, I’m dull.
with the right sort of personality,
this could be a very interesting piece of mass-participation performance art.
Yeah? yeah???
Who to choose, who to choose??
It’d have to be someone with a wide circle of friends.
Someone who stands out in a crowd.
Someone who’s always out and about…someone no longer on a vanity fast.
(and maybe someone who’ll leave soon, in case things go south)
I don’t know, maybe it is a BAD idea.
But then again, could be GREAT.
Whaddaya think of wikilife, even as an experiment?