So the building manager reccommended that I call a local company to install my ADSL connection instead of a known internet provider. It turns out that it’s alot cheaper at 500ntd a month for an 8m connection, 900 installation and 1000 deposit on the modem.
Yaya…I know…not very reputible but whatever…the price was right.
Here we go:
The notebook I’m using is not too shabby and I’m shipping my PC down in about a month. So it can’t be the system or it’s set up. The modem they’ve provided me with is some no-name brand called: “ORIGO”. I’ve tested my connection speed consistantly and I’ve found to be recieving 2mps or less instead of something in the range of 4 to 8mps. SHITE!
What I’d like to know is if anyone has an explanation or experience using a local provider?
What modem can I get that will do the job if this one isn’t cuttin it?
What are the stability rates that you recieve from your provider if you’ve purchsed an 8m connection?
If you’re running a server, blowwidth is important, but I imagine you just want one for normal use, where suckwidth is more important. As mentioned before, not only does suckwidth depend on many factors, especially when sucking from abroad but the suckwidth you get to your ISP may actually be less than advertised at busy periods.
Monster -
Chung Wah, the telephone company.
That’s who I’ve been using.
I use the 2M version. Works for me. I just did a Dl at an average of 200 kbs. Good enough.
The soul reason why I went with this company was the fact that they offer 500ntd a month for an 8m connection. Unlike seednet/hi-net and the rest; they do not require that monthly rental fee for the modem. The modem fee is a one time deposit of 1000ntd. Plus there’s no contract. I can choose to cut off my service at anytime.
Hi-net: 1040ntd for 8m per month.
This company: 500ntd for 8m per month…
…Seemed like a good deal at the time. Many moons ago I was using So-net 8m in Taibei and my connection speed was lightening quick. Here I’m lucky to recieve 2.4m at anytime and many times than not I’m recieving under 2m.
Could this actually be my system or the modem? I’m living outside of the city (somewhat) so I’m guessing it can’t be the activity on the network. But it could be the relay points between boxes? I really don’t have a clue what I’m talkin about so if anyone can shed some light on how connection speeds vary from ‘hood ta hood’…lemme know.