My Msn Messenger hacked and a Death threat

Yes, all in one day.

How can I catch the prick who hacked through my MSN messenger and kept popping up even after he was blocked. He even threatened my life.

At least my IP changes every hour.

I have the e-mail addresses that he/she was using to log into Messenger.

Can I do anything with this? Just the e-mail address and nothing else?

How do I catch similar things in the future, I mean I want to really nail the s.ob’s. Hacking is one thing but threatening me and my family is another story. He/she even knew enough details about me to make it clear that they understand who I really am and where I am. So, I reported it to the police here and I believe, if they do anything, the next step is through interpol and the IT crime division.

What can I do, that is legal, to lynch the prick?

Did you get his IP address? He might have stolen the email address or MSN account, after all.

If you can backtrace him to his ISP, you may be able to find out who it was (especially if he was on a DSL line), at which point you can hire some thugs to beat the everliving shit out of him and bury his flayed corpse in the hills under cover of darkness. Can you tell I’m having a good day too? :slight_smile:

Appreciate the anger but I doubt it would be legal to lynch the prick.

Bassman, the details he seemed to have on you could they have been gleened from this forum or your own website? Did the language suggest foreigner or Taiwanese?

Hope its not related to your new school . . which was my first thought.

Chill . . . but happy hunting.


Maybe some people aren’t happy you opened a Buxiban.

If he has a Fixed-IP ADSL, you can look up his name, address and phone number on the net.
Are these ‘chat’ type messages or ‘system’ type messages ? I believe the later are done via a security hole in MSN. Do you have the latest MSN, and a firewall ?

[quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”]If he has a Fixed-IP ADSL, you can look up his name, address and phone number on the net.
Are these ‘chat’ type messages or ‘system’ type messages ? I believe the later are done via a security hole in MSN. Do you have the latest MSN, and a firewall ?[/quote]
If I’m understanding what you mean by the above, the “system” type messages are from the Messenger Service, which has nothing to do with MSN. There was a thread on this Microsoft
a few weeks ago.

I was referring to this :

I don’t if this is what BassMan is getting ?

Not a Taiwanese that’s for sure. Not related to the school either. I’m pretty sure it was coming from New Zealand, just going by the e-mail addresses alone.
The information couldn’t have come from my site.

How do I catch an IP?

It was all done through chat on Messenger.

I did an e-mail search but as they are all hotmail accounts the IP didn’t show up or if they did they were the same as the IP’s that showed up when I searched on my own account with hotmail.

Sometimes people post their details on MSN.

Go to msn and do a seach for that name in people.

maybe an amateur hacker but they’re not that stupid, surely.

Sometimes people post their details on MSN.

Go to msn and do a seach for that name in people.

3-4 e-mail accounts being used at the same time. Captured with Print Screen SysRq and copied

If I were you I’d change all my passwords so no one can get in that has your old one. if you left your computer un-attended someone could have got in that way. Windows will remeber your passwords if you let it.
I forgot to log out of MSN Messenger once at a library and some b*tch copied my entire contact list and added it to her own.

If you know his handle, try looking up in Google! It’s quite surprising what you can find on that!


If you know his handle, try looking up in Google! It’s quite surprising what you can find on that!


Actually, I don’t know if it’s worth it, but I always empty my cache when using a shared computer, nor do I save passwords. Though with keyloggers, one can never be too sure on public computers that one’s keystrokes aren’t beign logged.


I tracked down the IP and it belongs to a website in New Zealand. I alerted the owner of the website, not the hacker, because it was a public computer that was being used.

The NZ authorities are not interested and say that I must report it in Taiwan and then the police here must direct it to Interpol. Somehow I don’t think the Taiwanese Police are going to do that.

One step away from catching the moron, without any help.

I have read about Ping programs but I know nothing about them. If one was to need to trace an IP, how would one go about doing that?

As far as I know this information and technology is not illegal, hacking would be, but I could be wrong. If I am wrong please let me know and I will not ask any more questions.

A ping utility is usually on any operating system, hidden somewhere for network administrators. Ping is pretty basic: type in an IP address or domain name and see if your packets get bounced back. I don’ t know how that is going to help you. If you know the IP address, you can research who was using that IP address at the time of the incident. That may take some doing, as it might have been a dynamic IP assigned by an ISP to someone. You’d have to get the ISP to cough up the logs to see who the IP was assigned to. Then, say, if it was an Internet cafe, you’d have to get them to cough up their records (if they keep any) of the user using a particular computer with that IP. Assuming that they only use the only one real IP address (the one you have) and create a sub-network of virual IP addresses for all the other computers in the “room”, it would be pretty hard to pin it down to an individual user.

yes, ping is available even in Win98

Try this webpage. … Index.html


Go for it Bassman, ping his long-irrelevant IP address to death. Write a batch file if you have to. Ping the bugger, that’s what i say, and make him suffer. :shock: