My name is white supremacy?

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Salty nuts

And it’s probably going to get cancelled in the very near future.

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close enough


Your name is more of an English word though, isn’t it? Misspelled too.

I hope he is not packing an AR15 , not profiling but…

That darned white supremacy has taken over China too?

You know how it is, those colonials traveled the high seas and took their horrendous beliefs with them. Before Europeans invented slavery and took over the world everywhere else was basically a paradise. Thailand, for example

Sounds like a parody? Nope, it’s an academic opinion

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indian food culturally appropriated by japanese, then double appropriated by taiwanese! PROBLEMATIC. :no_entry_sign: :no_entry: :no_pedestrians:

but delicious!

I thought it was pretty good. Definitely original and something you’d remember.

ok but what about us whities desperately trying to get a tan in.a tanning salon but failing ? Are there any skin darkening products ?

Yeah. The Sun. And it’s free too. Privilege.

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I do not want skin cancer :sunglasses:

Nope its not English at all. But if it helps you remember…

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You left out a link. It was first appropriated by the Europeans who brought curry to Japan.


White supremacy AGAIN


It’s free util you get skin cancer, then it starts getting pricey.

So, moderate.

No, but his attitude is registered as a deadly weapon. :sunglasses:

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Wasnt appropriated because their takes on indin are so shitty, no indian would be worried about people making any connections between the 2…

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