My neighbor's response when asked why he occupied national land

You are going off-topic as usual
To be continued there:

In my case, the government sent me that invoice… because I was the nearest neighbor! Clever move because I was quick to reject the bill and hand in the name of my neighbor… I estimate he is 70 years old, look at that… do the math… 2018 - 70 = 1949. This 70 years old hardcore KMT was born on that piece of land, and lived there his whole life growing fruit and vegetables! Free! Gratis!

As far as I know, he will need to pay the rent for the last 5 years. No fine. No extra fee… and one more name added to the cadastral map.

Around my house in the countryside many people occupy small patches of government land. A lady owns much land around my neighborhood including a piece of land running along the road to my house. When paving the road the government could not have the road touch her land as she refused to sign the form allowing the road to run in front of her land.

She is very famous for purposely planting trees on the government road land in front of her land…then later when someone wants to cut down the trees to pave a road she asks the government (or anyone willing to pay) to compensate her for the trees. The temple in the road near our home had to pay her NT$200,000 for one tree.

We talked to the country administration head about this problem for our road but she said there is not much the government can do. Yes, there are actual legal remedies but the government officers do not want to tackle such issues. Luckily three of the trees planted on government land on our road mysteriously died and fell over before our road was paved which allowed our road to be a little wider (without touching her land).

The word we are looking for is entitlement.

Athough the dpp is currently (probably soon not to be) responsible for fixing the issue, they didnt create it. But Fixing this issue will piss a lot of people off and it will no doubt be the justification for whatever economic excuse the other side wants to give for laziness and a general lack of dilligence. They could however make kids smart, food safe, air clean and work on getting stuff made for export. Then clean up all the land right issues with an applause at the end instead. Long term plan…but not that long.

They are, however, as entitled and spoiled as your 70 year old neighbour. People know it and hate it. Its like a mirror in those voting booths. Hence why we all just “play the game” and try to ignore reality…


Rather entitlement because Taiwan is still seen as a colony, a stepping stone to the US, less than the Great China. Hence, Taiwan’s people and resources are theirs to abuse because Taiwan commmited treason, bunch of Japanese lovers! Law and democracy does not apply to them because they are special, superior, not like the rest.

Case solved. Official papers signed
My name is no more assigned to this piece of land
My neighbor is now responsible for it


Good to hear it!
I hope it didn’t cost you anything to get it fixed. After all, it wasn’t due to your fault that your name for involved with it.