yeah, i feel your pain. my brother-in-law called at 3:00PM today asking me if i wanted to go to the tigers-cards game tonight. one of his officemates scored better tickets and was looking to offload two lesser tickets at face value. hey, only 190 US$ each. of course we took it. we stood there in front of stan musial’s statue (the new stadium sucks, seriuosly)drinking a few cold ones. then we hear the PA man (K-SHE’s John Ulett) say the game was delayed. We headed up a few blocks to Hooters while everyone else was still filing in. We stood there watching the spectacle of humanity that comes with any big sporting event having a grand time and talking with strangers like they were family. Simply a great time indeed. the game, it ends up was rained out. our tickets are now thus good for friday night’s game (where the cards can clinch it) and we get to have all this fun all over again.
so…anyway, there i was in the midst of all this fun and i thought of you all in taiwan. not.
the game got rained out and somehow game 4 became game 5. nothing like seeing your team clinch a championship before your eyes. the concrete of the third tier of the stadium was swaying just like a taiwanese earthquake…you know, that long slow undulation that wakes you up but doesn’t really scare you.
wish you could of been there. kinda riding a prozac type bliss.
[quote=“skeptic yank”]the game got rained out and somehow game 4 became game 5. nothing like seeing your team clinch a championship before your eyes. the concrete of the third tier of the stadium was swaying just like a Taiwanese earthquake…you know, that long slow undulation that wakes you up but doesn’t really scare you.
wish you could of been there. kinda riding a prozac type bliss.[/quote]
You lucky dog, you. Congratulations to the Cards.
Guy I work with, his son is in the minors, in the Tigers organization. RH pitcher, throws mid-90s, and all that would earn him in the Tigers show would be recognition as the weak arm in the rotation. (The kid thinks the Tigers will be trading lots of pitchers in the off-season, fwiw)
But like I was telling my friend Friday afternoon, LaRussa had an ace up his sleeve all along: anytime he seriously needed a base runner, I told my friend, he should just have his batter bunt to the Tigers pitcher. Man, those Tigers pitchers can’t field for shit, I told him. You could be right, said my friend. And I was (kinda).
I love Jim Leyland as a coach, but I had to laugh at the look on his face when he had Verlander pitch Pujols straight up in game one. Bam, dinger city. Now that was entertainment.
St. Louis isn’t all that big, but it’s big enough. Thing about the Cards is that they really bring the small-town feel out in the locals, they really pull for 'em. Well done, Cards.
yeah, the tigers sure do have a nice stockpile of young arms that can bring the heat. there is only one way to get those usually- draft early. ask the cubbies. i am confident that leyland will shepherd them with more care that dusty baker did those once priozed arms he chewed up in chicago
the tigers will be back.
we like baseball so much here, in part because there isn’t a whole lot else to do. drink some beer, sit w/ your buds and watch the game. comes without question.
this season sure was aj oy ride. the cards were outs from undergoing the biggest regular season choke in history, wiggled their way out of it and then end up with all the marbles. the last 3 weeks have been sheer joy amplified by the weeks of misery before it.
yeah, for being “fly over” country alot of folks come here for schooling.
all in good humor- as i have nothing against the cubs and think they’ll be serious contenders this season now that they dumped dusty here is a joke we got to use for almost one full season:
“what do the cards and the cubs have in common?”
“neither team has won the world series in its new stadium.”
it was a fine joke, but sadly…it is no longer accurate.
we just got an ice storm and 1/2 million folks are sitting in the freezing dark. needless to say, the barkeeps are very happy.