My Taiwanese wife got her US concealed carry weapons permit today

A guy is trying to do nothing other than signal how virtuous he is and you shoot it down like that?

How dare you?

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what about owning a fine set of cutlery?
is that ok? will that throw you in jail in London?

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I think it’s a little people thing.

Although I might be wrong, my impression is that it’s usually rather uneducated and unsuccessful(career wise) individuals being zealots/weird about guns.

You wouldn’t find many working in eg the tech or finanacial sector being weird about their guns(if any)…

My family has 10+ firearms, fyi.

That’s your opinion, and that’s fine but I don’t see any reason to go there.

I think it’s equally likely the OP is simply expressing happiness that his Taiwanese wife is acclimating to a part of American life so alien to her past, her upbringing, yet that means so much to the OP.

Or he’s just bragging that his Taiwanese wife is now legally allowed to carry a concealed firearm. Seems understandable

My dad owned and operated a gun shop for several years, so I’m somewhat sympathetic to what the OP is saying. Even so, I’m glad I’ve never felt the need to own a firearm. I think once you’ve seen up close what one of those can do to someone’s head the charm goes right out of them.

Right, no one is denying hes happy about his wife getting some permit.

I was just pointing out to another poster who thought it was a weird thing to brag about that its a certain demographic that for reasons hard to understand to many people are like really really in to guns.

My wife could kill your wife in a flash.

It does kinda roll off the tongue.

It’s a cultural thing. It’s always nice to see one’s loved ones assimilate.

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My dad has a really stupid picture of my mom posing with an AK. You can tell he just wanted her to hold it to humor him because she looks completely indifferent about it.

To his credit, it is a really funny photo.

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Wow I haven’t been on for awhile and I see I was getting pretty ripped up. I think some of you misunderstood the meaning of my post. But thanks to my defenders.
Btw, recently someone attacked an asian woman and her two children with a knife because they thought she caused the corona virus. That’s not an isolated case. Its getting pretty crazy here. The asian market I go to had to hire security because of an incident of stupid racism.