My thoughts about Taiwan after a month

what specifically is bad about it?

the bosses are completely corrupt bastards. unpaid overtime is the norm. you need to keep your phone on and keep working even in your free time. wages are low. even when the govt makes new laws to fix this it has zero effect.

of course not everyone, im generalizing. and its probably not so bad for english teachers but i’ve seen the worst of it and it can be pretty shocking.

Ah, that explains the odd out-of-place Porsche or other high-end vehicle you see going up Roosevelt Road in amongst the scooters and blue trucks lol

There was a march by SE Asian workers today because they’ve had enough of getting gouged by middlemen. All the labour laws are designed to screw over foreigners.

Having said that, it’s better than it was.

Yeah taiwan is starting to think about Human rights.
In thirty years things may improve a bit more

I think it’s improving faster than that.

The main thing is a stable economy needs fair labor laws that are enforced.


Depends what you value, if you want a comfortable life, to explore a new culture and value convenience and nature nearby sure, Taiwan is good for that.

If you want to push yourself professionally, and maximise earnings, then there’s other places in the world that are better suited to that.


Actually porsche is pretty popular in Taiwan. Also the prices of porsche in Taiwan are not as high as other luxury brands which often times cost 60-70% more than elsewhere.

I saw a Rolls Royce today in Neili of all places.

Taipei is crawling with Porsche Cayennes.

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Thanks, definitely the former, but even if I did come for one year and then leave (after getting heatstroke every day before 8am in winter probably) then it would still probably have a beneficial effect on my CV cos I’ll come back and be 100% fluent in Mandarin 1337 h4x0r with all the $$$

No? Ah well, I just want a simple, enjoyable life.