Yep, put a coffee pot or kettle on because this one is a good one.
School1 (they are in the background but does not directly affect them)
School 2 (New York New York- a school so hopelessly inept they had to name it twice)
School 3 (mildly pissed off with)
Michael Yeh (helpful court official)
Ok… my saga begins sometime around September last year. School1 is not giving me enough hours so I join number 2 with the promise that they wll be my second school on my ARC. Fine. I do all the usual shenigans to get it all ready and that medical check and whatnot and they take 2 months to get round to it. In the meantime, they are making really odd decisions with my work, one such example was they weren’t paying my tax and I have to do a one on one with a really low level student 2 hours everyday. He missed one class and I was expected to make up the time.
I become very unhappy with school number 2 but decide to keep them on for a bit longer and apply for school number3. Somewhere in the background I am also preparing my marriage so tell school 3 that I don’t need a work permit for long becuase of the marriage. They say fine everything is looking good. Until. My 3rd work permit application is rejected because I am aparently working to many hours in total. All bullshit of course. I quit school2 in disgust and apply again. School2 in what seems like a petty fit of anger refuse to give up my work permit so I can’t work anywhere else.
I call the CLA who put me on to Michael Yeh (his number has been listed on here before by Loretta) who calls them, gives them a really strong talking to and then I get released.
So, I need to apply for a work permit again (this is January). I call the CLA, remind them of the situation and ask if my health check can be waived because in the time all this bollocks was going on it had run out. They agreed. I instruct school number3 to do it all. School number 3 secretary tells me as you are getting married soon you don’t need the work permit. I agree, but I want everything to be done the correct way. She agrees, but then leaves the company just before Chinese New Year, and doesn’t apply. I go to Guam to get married and come back thinking all of this would be sorted.
Hell no. When I arrive back, I discover she hadn’t sent it on and the CLA I have to apply again for a work permit. With another health check
Now this is really ridculous because
A) My ARC will run out on March 22nd anyway, so by the time my work permit goes through, I’ll have a work permit for 4 days or something.
B) I have been doing all the paperwork for my JFRV so have recently completed a health check
I have since learned that the healthcheck for marriage cannot be accepted as a healthcheck for work, they won’t accept it, and in true Taiwanese government fashion, they don’t have a good reason. I was told yesterday that it was because the JFRV test does not test for syphilis. It would seem its ok for spouses to have syphilis but not people on work permits.
So thatas where I am right now. About to go into work to have a go at the CLA again for not accepting a healthcheck that is done in the same fucking hospital and is actually more in depth than the one required for work. Making it out like all of this is my doing and all the rest of it.
So, what do you think? Do I have grounds to go nuts at every goddamn official?
I’m waiting for my criminal record check to come back from the UK but I doubt it will be here before my ARC runs out. What are the chances that the FAP will give me an extension?
Rant over. If you got this far, cheers for reading.