[b]中文網站 tw.myblog.yahoo.com/mamahuhu-2006
English 360.yahoo.com/mystery_land2007
soon online: www.mysteryland.com.tw
(Updated 22 January at 12.00) –
Hello Music Lovers!
I am very happy to announce -literally- the highest elevated music festival in Taiwan!
The Line-Up
13.30 Mark berglund
14.25 Shayne Lazarowich
15.20 Stonedoor Airport
16.15 The Idiots
17.10 Minstral
18.05 Public Radio
19.00 Rocket Grrl
19.55 Electrocute
20.50 Shy Kick Apple
21.45 Fireflower
22.40 Shambhala USA
24.00 O Brothaz Sound System
February 21, Day 2
11.00 KBN Funkbnice
11.55 To a God Unknown
12.50 Rabbit is Rich
13.45 The Soilers
14.40 SE
15.35 Magpie
16.30 Fink
17.25 The Deported
18.20 Consider the Meek
19.15 Crossroads
20.10 Harley
21.00 Main Gig (Surprise!)
22.20 Full House
23.15 Squids
24.00 DJ Marcus Aurelius
This part above will still have 1 or 2 updates, but 95% is sure!
The first international act will be “Shambhala” from Washington DC (www.shambhalatrue.com) These spiritual rappers can be compared with the likes of Guru, or A Tribe Called Quest. Not to be missed!
The second top-act is DJ Marcus Aurelius, voted nr 1 DJ for 3 years in a row!.
The third top act is still in negociation! Budget and availability are the issue here. We hope to be able to have definate news about this in a few days.
Tickets, reservations, and shuttles
Reservations can be made by calling 09 37 972 061, every day from 12.00 till 24.00
For now, tickets will be sold only in Mama Huhu Jungle Lounge in Fang Liou, and that s also where the shuttles will be. (At the railway station) We are discussing all-in packages with 2 tour operators, and will keep you informed.
Entry will be set for everyone at 500 nt, on the first day, except for staff and on-stage band members. bar all exceptions, even Press and other Media.
Entry at day 2 might be set at 600 nt, depending on the finishing top-act we are going to book for that day.
NOTE – Those that stay within the festival/village borders at the end of day 1 will not have to buy new tickets and can stay the second day without paying entry again, as long as they stay within the festival area and/or the village
—For those that want to arrive and camp the evening before the festival:
Ticketing/shuttles Monday 19 February from 16.00 till 24.00 /- /after 24.00 no night shuttle and no ticketing
—20 February, Festival day 1.
Shuttles: Wednesday 20 February from 08.00 till 03.00 (after 24.00 only exit shuttles.) Ticketing between 0800 and 24.00
—21 February, Festival day 2.
Shuttles: Wednesday 21 February from 08.00 till 03.00 Ticketing between 0800 and 21.00 (After 21.00 free entry for all)
—22 February, after the festival
From 08.00 till 14.00 / -/only exit shuttles
There is NO re-entry system in place. Those that leave the festival grounds outside the village, by foot or by shuttle will have to purchase new tickets in Fang Liou. We do this to save on staff and logistics, and this is one of the ways of keeping tickets affordable
There are only 1500 tickets per day available, so book your tickets in time!
Call us anytime to get real-time info or reservations at 0937 972 061
Festival Location:
The festival will be situated some 50 km north of KenTing, on hidden location, high up, surrounded by forests, only to be reached by our shuttle buses. The concert area has a spectacular view over mountains and valleys
The festival area will include an complete Aboriginal village, with the festival entry gates outside the village. This way everybody can walk freely in and out the concert area and go for a stroll to explore the village.
Our goal
We have chosen this location to bring some action -and income- to a beautiful but forgotten village. The mayor of the village has mobilised forces from all around, to cater to all of our needs, and to make this event a great yearly success.
Local aboriginal schools will have kids doing the artwork around the venue stage and tribune, and we supply the paint. We also offered shop space without a fee to the locals at the festival, so they can sell food and souvenirs. We have good hopes to secure several school- and public buildings for bandmembers, staff, and those festival guests we can fit. There will be a small fee connected to that, and the profit from this will go the local elementary school
Next to this we will employ local workers to assist before, during and after the festival where such is possible.
If we can make this festival happen together,we will try and establish it as a returning event, and add a second event to the yearly list, which should be the biggest all-Aboriginal festival in Taiwan, held at the same location
Getting here.
Festival Tours.
We are in the process of setting up a private tour bus service across Taiwan for the festival. Details about this will be posted within a few days. Starting wednesday 24 February, any info about the tout bus schedules can be gotten at 08 76666 18. (Chinese tour operator)
Trains. All trains stop in front of our door, where our shuttles await you.
Buses. City buses have a 24-7 connection between Kaoshung and Kenting. They all stop at Fang Liou railway station. Easy connections between Ping Tung and Tainan as well. Get your seats in time
Taxis. Taxis are a rare sight here in the country side, and often expensive as well.
Private transport. The nr 3 highway comes to a complete end at 14 km distance from the meeting point at Fang liou. Continue the nr 3 untill you can go no more further, then turn left towards Kenting. Follow the coastal road, and you’ll see the signs for Fang Liou coming up after 10 minutes of driving.
There is ample parking at the entry and exit of Fang Liou village, which would be a 2 to 5 minutes walk to the meeting point at the railway station
NOTE —It has been our decision not to allow any vehicles to drive to our festival. by themselves. This, to discourage drunk driving from and to the festival, since the road is beautiful, smooth, solid and safe in daytime, but very dangerous at night.
There is no ticketing at the village entry gates, and the local entry watchmen will only let other locals pass through the gates. Parking in the village is not allowed, so there is no way of getting on or off the mountain without using the shuttle buses. For everyone’s safety, we will go pretty far in making sure no-one will find the venue, or reach it, unless they use the shuttle buses. Only the shuttle buses and the band members vehicles carrying equipment will be allowed passage to- and parking at the venue.
Group Transporters. You need to inform us in advance if you want to be allowed passage. Buses carrying 8 to 20 people may make their up up the mountain themselves in daylight only. Full-size tour buses can NOT make their way up. Any vehicles allowed passage up the mountain can NOT stay parked in the village, and are only allowed to make their drop or pickup, and then have to park at the foot of the mountain, or in Fang Liou. Group Transporters may contact us when they want to join our shuttle service, instead of standing idle for the duration of the event between drop and pick up.
The police will not bother anyone within festival grounds, but they will set up a checkpoint at the foot of the mountain to ward off persisting private vehicles.
Let s keep the party within festival grounds, and be safe on the road!
Festival vendors. You are welcome to join at a small fee, especially vegetarian food stands. Contact us for details. For vending in the village, there is no fee involved, but we offer no material support. You would still need to apply first
The Booz. All alcoholic beverages are only to be sold by (in retail or bulk) the festival management or designated vendors. We can t stop guests however, from taking outside drinks inside, but we pray them to refrain from this, since it is an important part of our income. We will stop those carrying excessive amounts of alcohol, and offer safe storage during their stay at the festival
We will keep beverages at an acceptable low price, all in line with the spirit of the festival. For example, we plan to sell sets of 4 bottles of Carlsberg for 200 nt. If that isn’t reasonable, then what is?
At the festival there will be a large bar where people will have a choice between simple cocktails, proper draught beer, Belgian special beers, blended and malt whiskey-, or simply a bottle of water or soft drinks at 7-11 prices
A decent part of the ticketing and drinks revenue will be distributed over the bands and takes care of the employment fee for the local community, so we ask you to support them -and us. Remember our low entry fee, and compare that with other festivals as to understand the need for your cooperation
Camping. To those that are gonna be setting up tents, we advise to bring blankets, air mattrasses, and/or proper sleeping bags. Make sure to bring tents that can be zipped shut, as to avoid anything uninvited crawling in. This is not downtown Taipei.
There is ample campground available. One side of the festival ground will be for long-term camping, on a first-come, first-serve bases. After 23.00 , when the live bands seize to play, tents may be set up anywhere on the terrain, except in front of the stage, as to allow the DJ party to proceed into the night. All tents outside the long-term campsite have to be removed before 10.00 the next morning to make room for the concert guests.
As to avoid any such possible discomfort, one might choose to set up their tent anywhere in the village, in any spot that they see fit. There are several parking areas, school playgrounds, and small patches of grass, where you will find bricks that we put there, to use for setting the lines of the tents, instead of trying to hammer the tent herrings into the tarmac. There are no shower facilities anywhere but there will be 2 large toilet units and fresh water. Unlike other music festivals, small camp fires at designated spots will be allowed and firewood will be in stock.
The Dorm. We are working get our hands on the local school building, the community building and the former police station, as to transform that into a dorm for 2 nights. First served will be the band members that wish to stay there, second will be our staff that needs to be there, and the rooms that are left are for festival guests on a first-come first serve bases.There will be no beds or mattrasses available. Bring your airbeds! We can’t take reservations yet, but soon. Check the blog regularly for updates on this. A small local cleaning-team fee of 50 nt per person per night will asked. We will donate the nett proceeds to the local elementary school as a big thank you. even though they refused our money offer initially, and volunteered the building free of charge. The small fee per person should cover most of the school books needed for 2007.
Hotels. Shuttle buses can bring people to their cars at night, if they wish to stay in hotels or motels elsewhere. Some info about where to try and find hotels will be available at our info stand. For those that want hotels, it would be wise to book early, because things are busy around Chinese new Year. We will post more hotel contact numbers on this blog soon.
-Motel nr 1 (Fang Liou) 08 87 12 151 -Motel nr 2 (Fang liou) 08 87 82 111
-Motel nr 3 (Fang Liou)
This is the news so far!
Don’t miss it, and tune in regularly for updates
By the way…Shambhala will be on Tour in Taiwan after they play our venue. Anybody interested in booking them may contact us through this blog, or our email: mystery_land2007 @hotmail.com
May the Music Gods be with us all!
The Mystery land Event Team
For those that don’t know yet: The fines in Taiwan for drunk driving are excessive, and can lead to actually doing time in jail. Plus: No drugs, and no alcohol allowed for anybody under 18, That s the law.
Please keep in mind that we, the management will be held responsible in all cases of mishaps or worse -accidents-, and we will be considered guilty until proven innocent.
Press Message: Prepare your entry-tickets in Fang Liou, and call the hotline to inform us of your arrival [/b]