Nadar Strikes Back


Ralph Nader is entering the presidential race as an independent, he announced Sunday, saying it is time for a “Jeffersonian revolution.”[/quote]
Republican supporters rejoice. Nader, the spoiler, has thrown his hat in the race once again.

I hope everyone ignores that idiot this time. I’m convinced he’s actually a Republican; otherwise why would he keep wanting to help the Republicans win?

[color=red]NADER/ KUCINICH 2008[/color]

When only the Weirdest Will DO!

Listen to Mr. Nader
Donate to Mr. Nader
Vote Nader!

Whatever happened to Lyndon LaRouche?

I don’t know. I voted for him once.

Vote Nader if you want 4 more years of Republican abuse.

If the Dems can’t beat the Repubs this time, they should just disband.
I’m voting for who I think is the best candidate.

[quote=“Dr. McCoy”]If the Dems can’t beat the Repubs this time, they should just disband.
I’m voting for who I think is the best candidate.[/quote]

Remember, the Republicans win by lying, cheating and stealing. They’re a formidable force.

As much as I think Nader would make a good president, I think we need to neutralize the Republican Party first to create a climate in which Dems and Greens are the major parties. Only then would lit make sense to vote for Nader. Until that day, a vote for Nader is a vote for the Republican candidate.

He didn’t get on the ballot in Oklahoma last time, so I had to vote for Kerry. So I might end up having to vote Democrat again.