Nah, not the pork, thanks

Pigs off in China and Hongkers for awhile, and likely Taipei too.

[quote]Soaring pork prices cause fear of unrest May 30, 2007

. . . The Agriculture Ministry said the wholesale price of pork had soared by 71.3 per cent since April, pushed up by rising prices for pig feed (such as corn) and the epidemic of “blue ear” disease - officially called porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome - along with existing foot-and-mouth disease.

Statistics on pig deaths are difficult to obtain but an industry official told London’s Financial Times that he had heard up to 20 million of China’s 500 million pigs had been wiped out by blue ear disease.[/quote]

Now you may also recall tales of tainted animal feed and indeed the death sentence of the chappy that’s supposed to secure that sort of thing.

I sense the sweat appearing on the brow of the good soldier TC Lin.

I’d be getting pork off my fork (or greasy chopstick) if I was you.