China’s proposal asks that Taiwan’s title within the OIE be changed from “Taipei, China” to “Taiwan, China.”[/quote]
The PRC seems to be offering the DPP administration what it wants, the nomenclature of Taiwan to be referred to as Taiwan.
The irony of it all.
Granted it does illustrate the PRC has control in influencing the situation, why doesn’t the DPP claim victory over the fact that Taiwan could be used instead of Taipei?
because of the fact that it is still written as “Taiwan, China”, it still means that Taiwan belongs to China. So, it is nothing more than a name change that doesn’t make a single difference, only integrates the whole Formosa into the concept, not only Taipei. Why not simply calling it “Taiwan”?
Great, I hope the reality that Taiwan isn’t a part of the PRC doesn’t burst your bubble.
I am disappointed that you think that the ROC must be content with renaming itself as part of the PRC in the Olympics. Here I thought you were a ROC and KMT supporter. I guess you’ve converted along with Lien Chan. So when do you get admitted into the CCP?
Also I don’t adopt bad habits like smoking and drinking. I don’t even drink coffee. =)
Also I don’t adopt bad habits like smoking and drinking. I don’t even drink coffee. =)[/quote]
But what is the difference when you are as corrupted both in deeds and words.
Also I don’t adopt bad habits like smoking and drinking. I don’t even drink coffee. =)[/quote]
But what is the difference when you are as corrupted both in deeds and words.
Look everyone, corruption to BeeBee isn’t stealing tax payer money and putting it into your own bank account account, silencing those that criticize, committing brutal acts of thuggery, accepting bribery and so forth.
Instead to BeeBee corruption is; being outspoken, agreeing in principle to the UN Charter for Universal Human Rights, enjoying and accepting that others will always have different opinions, never taking a bribe, never committing a crime, spending at least a day a month towards community service, and protesting peacefully.
Which is interesting, since BeeBee supports a brutal and corrupt regime such as the CCP, responsible for at least 60 million innocent civilian deaths.
corruptness: lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of a position of trust for dishonest gain
putrescence: in a state of progressive putrefaction
decay of matter (as by rot or oxidation)
moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles; “the luxury and corruption among the upper classes”; “moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration”; “its brothels, its opium parlors, its depravity”; “Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction”
destroying someone’s (or some group’s) honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity; “corruption of a minor”; “the big city’s subversion of rural innocence”
inducement (as of a public official) by improper means (as bribery) to violate duty (as by commiting a felony); “he was held on charges of corruption and racketeering”[/quote]
accuse me of being a CCP supporter when obviously that isn’t the case.
pretend to be righteous when daily spewing out malicious lies and hatred with the intent to create disharmony and anxiety between family members across the strait.
protect his treacherous master CSB without fail, when corruption proven against CSB and all around him is legendary.
deprive the rights of the majority of Taiwanese who prefer status quo now, as well as those who want to forge a better and peaceful relationship with China.
criticise all who disagree with him, but is blind when his own kindreds are exposed with full of dirts and soils.
paint himself as innocent bystander fighting for the rights of the Taiwanese, when his viewpoints and arguments are all screwed towards in line with DPP propaganda.
All in all, ShrimpCracker is a showcase of a living morally corrupted creature.
You support China, which, at this moment = supporting CCP
Just revisit the last 50 years of Taiwan to get a reality check - I’m still waiting for the Taiwanese to start burning and bombing everything that has China on it…
Proven where? In the fantasy world of TVBS? Another round of reality for this table…
And who is changing the status quo? China military build up, Anti-Secession law, repression of ROC athletes, International Isolation… against what?
maybe he is a bit too much green, but then again, just speaking of the KMT is already a swamp bigger than China itself
He fights for what he believes, don’t you do the same?
To your last sentence, I have no words… someone who supports 2 parties responsible for the death of about 80-90 Million Chinese, either has no love for his/her compatriots, or thinks there are enough of them…
mr_boogie must be suffering from a severe deformation of logical reasoning in deriving at such equation. I support Taiwan but doesn’t mean I support the DPP-led Govt. As simple as that.
At times, any countries may have fallen into terrible dire straits. Just what do you think if compare against Germany and Japan, which effectively caused the deadliest conflict in human history, with over 100 millions of casualties.
You try to feign ignorance, right. What had happened to the president’s wife and son-in-law as well as a string of other corruption scandals involving members of his administration. CSB is now a fall guy slowly fading away.
None other than the DPP-led Govt unilateral changes to the status quo.
Green symbolises raw and raw is conotated to uncook and unculture. Probably proven why there were so many cases of appalling scenes in Legistative with so many greenies showing their brutes instead of using their brain.
The big difference is that I advocate peaceful resolution, but he doesn’t.