Name That 'Bug'!

The last few weeks, I have been noticing a weird, wall-climbing, pod-like thing in my cram school. It’s gray and diamond shaped, about 1 cm long. Sometimes it’s got a little creature in it and sometimes it’s empty (like the thing has “hatched”). They are gross and even more worrisome, I have no idea what it is. I 've never seen them in my home. Yuck! Anyone know what it is and how do I get rid of it?

A picture might help …


google picture of “cloth moth case” and go through the pics to confirm.

Sounds like one of those Asian mountain farting barking spiders. Not to worry,It’s not the bite that makes these things a nuisance.

Welcome to termite heaven.

Sandman told me what they were once, but I forgot. Some kind of fly larva. I used to have them in Tianmu.

Yeh, I think I know what you mean. Been meaning to ask about them for years.

They’re like a leech with a lozenge-shaped body-case, which looks like what I think is a Gekko dropping, perhaps as camouflage.

The leech bit means it has something resembling a trunk, with a sucker on the end that it can very slowly pull the case along with.

So I’m not sure what it is, and I’m not sure what its mimmicking.

But I’m sure its harmless. :slight_smile:

Its a clothes moth larva.

It’s collected gunk from your floor as camouflage …

YAY! I win the internet!

is this the same thing?

saw this just this weekend. It was dangling and climbing around the pod. The bug would hide then crawl out to make the climb.

Eww, I don’t think it’s the same. I have the clothes moth thingy in my apartment (I thought they were cracks in the corners of the wall until I swore they weren’t always in the same place, and then realized they are alive)… they are WAY smaller than that thing hanging off your pot. They’re flat, and about the size of your pinkie fingernail.
I say ew, because I can’t handle the idea of the ones in my apartment ever growing to that size. shudder