National pension insurance, optional?

Hey everyone,

I need some help with understanding the Taiwan National Pension Insurance. My wife, who’s Taiwanese but moved to the U.S. as a kid, recently came back to Taiwan, reactivated her household registry, and got her national ID. She’s never worked in Taiwan and probably won’t in the future.

She got a letter about the National Pension Insurance and we’re a bit confused. Can anyone help with these questions?

  1. Does she have to join this pension plan, or is it optional?
  2. If she does have to join, how much would she need to pay each month?
  3. How does not having worked in Taiwan affect her status, especially in terms of income?
  4. Are there any special rules or exemptions for people with no or low income?

Thanks a lot for any advice!

My wife managed to opt out of it but there was a bit of a process and some different future possibilities involved I never quite understood. Go and talk to them or call, I’d suggest.

I talked to some Taiwanese in the states and they just ignored it. But some say it’s mandatory. :man_shrugging:t2:

It’s mandatory for those with moved-in HHR, as far as I know (which is not saying much). There was a previous thread here: Obligation to pay National Pension premium? .

I would be grateful if you could summarize here any new information you find out on this topic.

The National Pension Insurance scheme or 國民年金 is mandatory for all citizens with HHR, aged 25yrs~65yrs old, who does not have any other forms of insurance (Labor, agriculture, military etc) “只要您年滿25歲、未滿65歲,在國內設有戶籍,且沒有參加勞保、農保、公教保、軍保的國民,都是國民年金的納保對象喔!”

As of 2024, the amount calculates to about NT$1186/mth —> 國民年金的保費,就拿 2024 年月投保金額 19,761 元、保險費率 10 %來說( 112 年 1 月 1 日開始的標準): – 每月總保費是 19,761 元乘以 10 %,等於 1,976 元。 – 如果你是一般被保險人,每月自己得付的保費是 19,761 元乘以 10 %再乘以 60 %,等於 1,186 元。 – 政府每月應該負擔的部分就是總保費減去你的自付部分,也就是 1,976 元減去 1,186 元,等於 790 元.

If she does not have any income or her income is below the threshold (國民年金被保險人所得未達一定標準), she can apply to the 區公所 of her district to halve the premium that needs to be paid monthly. She needs to fill up a “切結書” there and after it’s passed, she only needs to pay half the premium. This needs to be done every year or two I believe.

For low income families (低收入), it’s free to join the 國民年金 as everything is paid by the Govt.!


A lot of Taiwanese here ignore it though, but I hear it could affect your credit or some such, such as making it hard for you to get a mortgage.

Yup, I shred my wife’s notice every month. Zero consequences.

Consequence might come retirement time however…

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What sort of consequences?

Presumably you won’t get any money, but that’s foreseeable if one chooses not to pay into the scheme.

As per my understanding it is mandatory.

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Is there a minimum amount of years one needs to contribute to get the “full” benefit or is the benefit you start to receive at 65 years old, based upon how much you contributed?

Or similarly, assuming you contribute NT$1,186 monthly (or whatever it increases to yearly) for x years until one turns 65, is there a table or formula to calculate the amount you can expect to receive upon retirement?