Nationwide: Level 2 epidemic warning (from October 17, 2021) - Rules, FAQ

If you have any specific updates about that, let us know!


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Hm. Looks a lot like the original “Level 3” to me.

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I was kind of thinking that earlier as well. I wanted to ask for a reminder of what the levels are/were and whether they’ve been revised. IIRC, the transition between the levels was originally dependent on the number of untraced daily cases etc. From what I could find, it seems that with more than 10 untraced cases, according to the original definition, we should go to level 3, where one of the main features is/was restrictions on the number of people for indoor/outdoor gatherings.

But it seems they’ve just decided to stay at level 2 and add more stuff to that where deemed necessary so…yay? :man_shrugging:


This was published by the CECC back in May, 2021:


Level 1

•Criteria: Imported cases resulting in isolated community transmission.

•Masks must be worn at all times on public transportation and in crowded public venues.

•The CECC recommends the cancellation or postponement of non-essential gatherings that will bring people into close contact with others.

•Places of business and public venues must implement an identification-based registration system, social distancing, temperature checks, and routine disinfection.

Level 2

•Criteria: Domestically transmitted cases from unknown sources.

•Fines imposed for failure to follow mask guidelines.

•Cancellation of outdoor gatherings of 500+ people and indoor gatherings of 100+ people.

•Public gatherings must implement social distancing, mask-wearing/partitions, an identification-based registration system, temperature checks, crowd controls and routine disinfection or be cancelled.

•Places of business must impose crowd controls; those unable to implement necessary epidemic prevention measures should temporarily suspend operations.

•When necessary, the CECC may order the closure of entertainment or leisure-related businesses or public venues.

Level 3

•Criteria: Three community clusters within a week (or) ten domestically transmitted cases from unknown sources in one day.

•Masks must be worn at all times outdoors.

•Cancellation of outdoor gatherings of 10+ people and indoor gatherings of 5+ people.

•Apart from essential services, law enforcement, medical treatment and government, all places of business and public venues must close.

•At places of business or public venues that remain open, mask wearing and social distancing is required.

•In neighborhoods where community transmission has occurred, residents must stay within defined a perimeter and comply with COVID-19 testing. All public gatherings and school classes within the neighborhoods are suspended.

Level 4

•Criteria: Sharp increase in domestic cases (a daily average of above 100 cases over the last 14 days) with at least half transmitted from unknown sources.

•Leave home only for essential activities (to purchase food, receive medical treatment, or for essential work); observe social distancing and wear a mask at all times outdoors.

•When at home, wear a mask (or) maintain social distancing.

•All public events cancelled: Apart from essential services, law enforcement, medical and government services, all in-person work and school is suspended.

•Lockdown imposed in townships, counties or cities where the outbreak is severe. Only designated personnel may enter/exit the lockdown area; residents must remain in their homes.

*Level of alert may be adjusted at the discretion of the CECC


Yeah… good luck with that one.