I have an ok microphone but it just sounds to “FM” like I’m one of those DJ’s on NPR. It also picks up too many high frequency noises like the computer fan or background hiss.
I’d like a classic Pierre Andre AM radio sound that has a little bit better bass response. I like my wife’s KTV mike but it won’t work with the computer. I think it’s an impedance matching problem.
So, what do I need? Can you suggest a better mike or a device to match the standard Microphone to a computer?
Purpose: reading passages and articles to mp3 for students and others, creating radio plays and just having fun with sound effects.
Alternatively an external multi purpose recording and playback device like this M-Audio ProFire 610
If your picking up a lot of noise like the fan on the microphone input to the computer, its likely just a lousy circuit design, and a change of microphone wont get rid of the noise, the two options above allow for a conversion before it gets to the computer.
The microphone input of your computer is just really for poor quality audio, it wont have the sensitivity for anything other than electret microphones (unless its a better quality soundcard), which has a DC bias that quite likely your KTV microphone won’t like and may possibly damage. If you really want to use that mic, send it though a preamp first and then try to connect it through a line in.
Wow, at $73.18 at Amazon, it’s a bit pricey but I do love the sound of that Demo tape. According to the Demo, the USB interface eliminates the need for computer pre-amps and I guess bypasses my sound card. Is it available in Taiwan? I wonder what the stupid post office will slap on as an import fee.
Ahh, I 'll send it to my home and have my dad resend it as an el-cheapo microphone. Thanks for the info.