I’ll be away in Feb for a couple weeks and I don’t want to put the guy in a kennel where he’ll be locked up the whole time. Where do i start? I guess i was posting to see if any pet lovers would want to take care of him while I’m away but now that i’m posting it seems weird to ask a stranger to take care of the dog for me.
You are right to plan ahead for this. Please tell us your location. I suggest you put up notices at Chinese language schools (Shi-Da etc.) and at hostels - I mean if you want the person to look after the dog at your place (free accommodation in return for petsitting). Based on my own experience, that arrangement is better than having the dog stay at someone else’s place, as in the latter case the dog may run away.
4F, No. 12-3, Lane 111, Sec.3, Xin-Yi Rd, Da-an District Taipei City 10658, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
I have a rooftop and my dog has his own quarters there and his own house. I would be willing to pay for someone to come over and feed him etc. I have a maid cleaning up his crap already so just to feed him and make sure he is ok. He doesn’t need lots of exercise so I think he will manage two weeks with no walks as he has the rooftop already to walk around on and stretch his legs.
We’ll be away in April for a couple weeks and I don’t want to put our little guy in a kennel where he’ll be locked up the whole time. Where do i start? (Yeah, I used Jeff’s wording from another post). If you have any suggestions please email at: us2intaipei@hotmail.com Thanks.
I live in Shen Keng and I have a large front and back garden with lots of places to walk dogs.
I myself have 6 dogs and two cats.
I’m offering boarding for maximum of 2 dogs at a time.
They will be walked every day, they will sleep in the house, they will have a garden to run around 24 hours a day.
No cages! No drugged doggies!
$300nt a day per dog.( $200 of that a day will go to Animalstaiwan)
If your dog is on a raw meat diet i will supply the food( for an extra $100 a week per dog). If however it is on a dried food diet you will have to supply the food.
Conditions of boarding.
Dog has to be de-sexed and have had all injections up to date.
Dog must also be able to get along with other dogs and of course people.
PM me if you are interested with the dates and i can let you know if i have boarders at that time.
My little boy doggy is not de-sexed, is up to date on his shots gets along with others and other dogs. He is 10 pounds, long hair and is trained on a pad. I’ll be honest with you: He is recently marking his territory so this really puts me in a jam. It would be better if I had someone stay at my house but who can I trust to that? Does anyone know if he will quit marking his territory if I get him neutored? I need things to happen fast as we are booked for vacation mid April and I don’t want to just leave him with anyone. Does anyone have any ideas? I don’t exactly know a lot of people here.
Yes he should stop marking his territory once he is neutered. His hormones will stop raging and he will quieten down as he doesn’t have the erge to do you know what.