The what? I don’t believe there is any top anything, there’s just a morass.
Ok, let’s put some numbers through. Here’s what I would do to your equation, not changing any of the factors as they’re yours to choose according to what you find important.
N = P * F * A * S * E * I * O * C * F * M * T
P = population, which I’m going to put at 23,000,000 because if you want perfection you need to work for it. So we’re taking all of Taiwan. Plus, with the high speed rail, nothing is really much further than an hour away, especially if you live in Taizhong.
F = the percentage that are female, which according to the CIA world factbook is 1.02 males / female in the applicable age range. Hence, 48%
A = within an acceptable age range. Life expectancy is 75 years for males but it is 81 years for wimmin. That’s 1.23% for every year. 30 * 1.23 = 37%. If you want, you can further tweak this number taking into account the aging population (wimmin median age is, remarkably, approx. 37)
S = single and available. Teens only make up a very small part of your acceptable age range, so you don’t really need to care about their availability. Also, a small percentage might be willing to break up their current relationship in order to be with you. Finally, this is kind of a fluctuating factor since people move in and out of availability all the time. I’d put it at 30%.
E = energetic. Using the escalator benchmark, yeah I’d say about 10% of the people on an escalator at any time are walking. However, I have been paying attention to it today and most of the walkers are women in the accepted age range. Based on that, I’m putting the percentage up to 20%. Remember that all the men, seniors, and children have already dropped out at this point, so we can’t count those in the escalator theorem.
I = interests. Ok, this variable is dependant on what you are willing to accept as good interests, so I’ll leave it at 20%.
O = goes outside. I’m going to link this one to energetic in the formula. If they walk on the escalator, they’re more likely to enjoy outdoors activities. Your 10% becomes a 30%
C = can do. This one is both linked to O * E and I, since in order to actively pursue any hobbies or interests, you kind of need a can do attitude, especially if outdoor activities or sports are concerned. These are no couch potatoes. Up it to a whopping 50%, and this part of the formula becomes (I*(E*O))*C. Not that it changes the outcome like this, but just so that it’s clear which factors influence which.
F = family not getting in the way. I don’t think this one needs to be included, since it’s not exactly pre-determined and might depend on you, her, which stage of the relationship you are in, etc. You put it at 100%, might as well take it out.
M = mobile phone doesn’t rule your life. Assuming that you are right in there being no correlations with this one, I still think 20% is a bit heavy since distribution is not equal among the entire age range. The younger, the more likely they are to fall off in this category. Overall? I’d say more like 30%
T = aware of time. Of the remaining women, your formula says 90% will be late regularly. That’s harsh! I’m going to say 40%, and that’s still negotiable.
The formula then becomes:
N = P * F * A * S * (((E * O) * I) * C) * M * T
Put in the numbers and you get: 1,225,440 available women, of which 882 potential future ms. Lorettas!
That ought to cheer you up a bit