Need Help Deciding Which Schools In This List Should I Beware Of

Well, that life path didn’t pan out.

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Then you could ask for a management job at schools , but most management jobs here are filled by relatives or cronies (not all, but most).

Do they hire for management positions? I hadn’t even considered this path since in other countries jobs like that are for residents (they usually don’t grant visas for that). Also, have you heard of any good schools to teach at? I think my best bet is teaching business people.

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Funny. Most private schools I’ve worked at had Managers that were the Aunt/Uncle/Nephew of the owner/investor. :laughing:
They’ll pretend to be your “friend” at first.


I think there are some , but most are teacher/manager positions. I think it would help cram schools in Taiwan a lot if they reduced reliance on relatives or close friends to fill management positions. I once managed a Cram school here years ago. It was not easy, teachers late , not showing up, screaming parents …Teaching on the other hand could be heaven or hell depending on the dynamics between teacher~students ~management.

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I like the “At first” comment. :rofl:
And VERY VERY friendly just before you sign that contract.

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