Just wondering if one of you computer geeks can give me some advice. When I say geeks I mean that in a respectful endearing kind of a way. I really don’t know much about viruses so I need some advice. I installed PC Cillin a couple of months ago and just yesterday I got a message from PC Cillin that I had an infected file and that they had quarantined the infected file. They said they couldn’t clean the file so they just put it in quarantine. The virus name is TROJ_1STBARW. I guess TROJ stands for Trojan virus. Is this a virus to be concerned about?? If a virus is in quarantine is there any way it can cause any problems or should I just relax and not worry about it.?? Is it possible that I will be able to clean this file later or will I have to delete it??. Can anyone recommend any other virus protectors other than PC Cillin which I can download?? Thanks for help,
Make a note of what the file name of the virus is and where it’s located. Then delete it. It also seems people like the program AVG grisoft.com/us/us_index.php they have a free version.
The file that has been infected by the trojan could not be cleaned, so has been quarantined.
The file itself becomes therefore unusable but it (or rather the virus in it) should not be able to cause any harm.
Often virus scanners have an option (somewhere in the menu) to delete quarantined files.
Thanks for the advice guys. I didn’t think the virus would spread once quarantined but I just wanted to make sure. Erick