Neighbour with f'ing loud TV

Hi all. I ready to break something or somebody. My neighbour has the tv up pretty much as high as it can go. Doesn’t answer the doorbell. The door guy, who is a good bloke is trying to also ring the guy. No response. Called his phone. No Response. I think he’s starting to get shitted off too and although my is bad, I think hes going to ring the cops. I think the key word was 'jiao’something. Hope it doesn’t mean ‘i give up’.

Industrial Strength earphones aren’t good enough for this one.

I’ll keep you all posted, and if you see some foreign guy in Dutch shirt being handcuffed on TV, you know that whilst the first choice was displomacy, but that the other side was unreasonable.

Apparently the 警察 are on their way now. Here are the possible scenarios as I can see it:

a) The wanker left his apartment and won’t be back for some time and selfishly left his TV on. I’ll give him my worst angry foreigner look. Chances: 50%

b) The guy topped himself. Considerate to do that on a Saturday night when I don’t have to work the next day. Chances: 25%

c) The guy is shooting up and can’t respond. Chances: 20%

d) The guy has somehow beyond all belief has managed to fall asleep: Chances: 5%

e) The guy is deaf and doesn’t realise

WHAT THE FUCK. He answers the door when the cops arrive. It turns out he was so drunk that he fell asleep with the TV on full blast. I woke up at 3am to the sounds of that stupid puppet kung fu show.

so I guess it fell under category c)

Thats what I experienced:
There was a guy who was very drunk and fell asleep in his car.
Badly ,his head hit the horn.
So "Bibibibi~~~~~“all the night.
we tried to wake him up.
Some to slap the window,some to kick his car…
And one said suddendly"Is he alive?”:saywhat:
You know what ?We all jumped away from his car… :runaway:
~loudly discussing~ :bicker:
Few minutes later,he lifted his head and rolled down the window.
"What happened?"he asked. :noway: :aiyo:

An intoxicated noise polluter.
I am quite familiar with those varmints.
I always seal up my window & doors with rubber weatherstripping. Especially the main door.
Inside & out. A great investment.
Absolutely vital to keeping noise out of the home.
Or, on the odd occasion, keeping it in.

I always wonder, why is that dog lovers leave their beloved mini dogs on the balcony all night long despite those brainless creatures barking for hours to be let in again?

There are now three apartments in our building where dog owners do this. Sometimes, it seems, the dogs are taking shifts in entertaining the whole community…

Maybe those people are all drunk, or the dogs are…?

I have a theory that the people here are all partially deaf.

[quote=“SuchAFob”]I have a theory that the people here are all partially deaf.[/quote]Pardon ?


[quote=“hannes”]I always wonder, why is that dog lovers leave their beloved mini dogs on the balcony all night long despite those brainless creatures barking for hours to be let in again?

There are now three apartments in our building where dog owners do this. Sometimes, it seems, the dogs are taking shifts in entertaining the whole community…

Maybe those people are all drunk, or the dogs are…?[/quote]

A cousin of mine had a solution for that in Melbourne. He poisoned some dog food and threw it over the neighbours fence. There were dead birds found in a 10km radius and to this day I think the dog still lives.

Does it truly work well? If so, where can I buy some in Taipei, any idea?

Some of my window frames have obvious gaps to the noisy outside world, and my main door to the elevator and stairwell is metal with the same problem. Wouldn’t hurt for keeping mosquitoes out either I suppose.

Wouldn’t work for me. My noise if from upstairs.

A cousin of mine had a solution for that in Melbourne. He poisoned some dog food and threw it over the neighbours fence. There were dead birds found in a 10km radius and to this day I think the dog still lives.[/quote]

I fail to see how that’s a solution, unless your cousin detests birdsong.

A cousin of mine had a solution for that in Melbourne. He poisoned some dog food and threw it over the neighbours fence. There were dead birds found in a 10km radius and to this day I think the dog still lives.[/quote]

I fail to see how that’s a solution, unless your cousin detests birdsong.[/quote]

The whole thing is making me rethink my “I’m not with PETA” stance.

Weatherstripping the house sounds good, but in my apartment I can hear the street noise even in the bathroom with the shower running. It doesn’t help me that I live on the runup to my city’s hospital AND the freeway - all night I have ambulances and big trucks going by with horns, sirens, brakes, etc…

The cell phone reception in our building is not so good, so neighbors sometimes go on the balcony to chat (sometimes at 3 in the morning)… and you can here EVERY SINGLE word…

My neighbours have a beautiful male poodle that they keep locked in a birdcage in their factory which cries day and night.

I bet it was a very cute puppy when they bought it, but now they keep the poor dog in misery 24 hours a day. It doesnt even have a cover for the cold winter nights. It breaks my heart because its identical to my dog back home :frowning:

So I have to listen to it whine and whimper all day/night. Apart from that, this area is pretty quiet…

A cousin of mine had a solution for that in Melbourne. He poisoned some dog food and threw it over the neighbours fence. There were dead birds found in a 10km radius and to this day I think the dog still lives.[/quote]

I fail to see how that’s a solution, unless your cousin detests birdsong.[/quote]

I don’t think the result was his intended solution…

no matter where you live in taipei these days you is gonna have dogs barking. i have a beast across the road that howls from 9 to 11 every night; i dont understand the schedule. the people next door to the apartment dont seem to care…why do the locals not complain; if you live in a noisy environment from birth you get used to it…the only explanation i can think of.

if you complain to people they look at you like you’re stupid and say “dogs bark”…

i say take a leaf out of hunter s. thompsons book…white noise your bedroom with a loud fan (ok he used a tv stuck between channels); it covers up street noise pretty well…in summer its better cause everyone has aircons on…

i also have a theory that locals like barking dogs cause it keeps the thieves away…anything to increase the old “anquan gan”…likewise the ridiculous grill cages on the outside of 10F windows as if spiderman himself was waiting to rape and pillage

I hate dogs… I mean they are everywhere in Taiwan as if no one does anything about it. I mean I see stray dogs everywhere, they crap everywhere, I mean when it rains those poop looks really yucky and its a hotbed for infections. I know Taiwan has a law against having dogs poop but I mean what about all the stray dogs? I wish I could have a shotgun just to take a bunch of these things out…

You dont see this many stray dogs in America cause the pounds would catch it if they were found. Maybe Taiwan doesnt have so many stray dogs when people used to eat them for dinner…