Neighbours - I can't take it anymore

Yeah, I’ve had the thought. How, though? I think that as silly as it sounds the best solution would be to make them afraid of some supernatural shit like ghosts or something equally ridiculous. What if I get someone write in Chinese some stupid and succinct warn to them about a mysterious dead that happen years ago in their flat? something simple that leaves many questions but also doesn’t show any incoherence or contradictions. The challenge would be to get this delivered to them without leaving any trace like CCTV footage. Maybe I can put that in their mailbox(es)?

OK, it’s 12. I have already wasted too much time of my Sunday because of these low class assholes.

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A majority of the foreigners I know in Taipei have complained of having bad neighbors at some point, and I’ve only been here for a few months. It really makes me worried about the renting situation. Are you living in a 電梯大樓?

Anyway, a short term aid would be to buy a Lectrofan white noise machine. I got one and it has been super helpful for sleeping at night. These machines can become very loud and surround the room. Don’t use a mobile white noise app because it won’t be nearly as effective.

Create insulation that blocks or dulls the noise. Carpets and bookshelves (filled with books, records, and nicknacks) are excellent for this. Paintings are also pretty good as they break up the 3D space and prevent noise from traveling. You want to use the things you have in a way to absorb and not echo any noise that is being transferred through to your room.
This is a really extreme version of what I am trying to explain.
Screen Shot 2021-01-10 at 12.33.23 PM
So think the same sort of thing but with bookshelves and paintings and pieces of furniture with a couple of layers of carpet on the floor.




Based on what I’ve been told about these sorts of things, don’t consider going down this path. You’ll be playing with fire.

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Buy one of those small electronic climbers thinks that will click until it runs out of battery. As kids we use to buy them and put it each others rooms to annoy each other.

One of my friends got one that sounded like rustling.

White noise machine idea sounds good, or for day use maybe look into one of them active noise cancelling headphones, I haven’t picked any up yet but will get the sonys eventually. Neighbors could form a brass concerto and you won’t hear a peep with those suckers on, apparently.

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Why not just play white/pink/brown noise or rain sounds while sleeping?

The new Echo sounds nice for only only $100 and even better in a stereo pair. They can help you sleep better and serve as alarm clocks.

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They (ANC) work better for consistent sources of noise, but they can help.

But the solution is surely some nice sleeping sounds.


Two ideas.

  1. Discreetly leave frozen fish somewhere in their vicinty that they’ll never find it.

  2. Keep a PRC flag outside, not clearly on display just somewhere noticibly visible


I would just drape this on my door haha

That may not help. A large percentage of Taiwanese don’t have a problem with China.


I have big doubts that would work. The flag, while others may think is odd would be no reason to move. Fish, maybe. Better is French cheese from Carrefour. I got some soft cheese like Brie which had a strong scent from the rind, put it the office trash bin, got a lot of comments abut this (Blue cheese scent is even stronger)

These suggestions for tormenting the neighbors are not very good.

There’s nothing Taiwanese fear more than sex-crazed foreigners.

OP, for $20,000 NT/night, I’ll host wild, sweaty, loud orgies at your place for as long as it takes to traumatize your neighbors into submission. They’ll think Hualian is falling into the ocean because of the constant violent shaking. The hallways will smell like a commercial PornHub production set for weeks on end. And the sounds of the moaning and screaming will cause a very unique form of tinnitus.


If you go to one of your local stationary stores, you’ll find some very plain looking, white envelopes with little flowers around the edges. Get some ghost money, slip it in the envelope and slip that under their door every time they make noise.


What’s with all of the passive-aggressive suggestions? :thinking:

How about providing suggestions that help the OP handle things like a decent adult?


When in Rome do as the Romans.

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