Networking for dummies

I recently got a new computer and gave my old Pentium 133/32MB RAM computer to my kids to play around with. I have cable Internet on the new computer and would like to be able to hook the old computer in as well.

I’m connecting the new computer to the modem via the USB port since the modem came with a USB cable, but I could use ethernet if I needed. The old computer doesn’t have any USB or Ethernet ports. Is there any way to network the old and new computers together so they can both use the cable modem?

Thanks in advance.


You can just buy a cheap network card for your old PC and also buy a crossover network cable to interconnect both PC and then enable Internet Connection in your new PC, so you can share you cable modem connection, it’s pretty easy to setup


Thanks for the advice. I’ll go look for one tomorrow!


Originally posted by chichodude: Hi:

You can just buy a cheap network card for your old PC and also buy a crossover network cable to interconnect both PC and then enable Internet Connection in your new PC, so you can share you cable modem connection, it’s pretty easy to setup


That’s actually not a very good solution because:
1-your new pc needs 2 network cards(nic). one to connect to the dsl modem. another to connect to the old pc using the crossover network cable.
2-you need to run a proxy server on your new pc so that it will serve pages to the the old pc after retreiving it from the internet. This would require the new pc to be on when the old pc wants to use the internet.

The following thread has the information you need.

I use an IP sharing device with integrated hub. Then all the computers can be permanently interconnected using one inexpensive network card each and don’t have to worry about software.

Originally posted by stinkypuppy: I use an IP sharing device with integrated hub. Then all the computers can be permanently interconnected using one inexpensive network card each and don't have to worry about software.

I’ve seen these things around and was thinking of getting one for my HiNet ADSL. Can you make a suggestion as what to buy? It looks as if there is PPPoE necessary to connect. Could the hub take over for connecting on demand, whereas now the HiNet sofware on my machine “dials?”

I use a Belkin personal NAT firewall router with hinet PPPoE adsl. It’s designed for cable modem/adsl sharing by up to 4 computers. Setup was easy under windows 98 and xp. The router does the login/password stuff and keeps the connection active all the time–it’s not really “connection on demand”, it’s “always connected.”

You can find IP sharing devices with integrated hub by LEMEL for $3,000 and D-Link for $3,500. These devices can automatically dialup to your ADSL service provider when turned ON and redial when connection drops. All your computers can have permanent Internet connection this way.

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