New Gold Card categories

Just so it doesn’t get lost in the massive Gold Card thread, here is the link to the new Gold Card NDC Special Case Review categories:

Can you summarize the significance? Thanks!

It’s a pretty short article tbh, doesn’t really need a summary. Just click and read…

There are twelve new categories (kind of new …), but the two with the most importance (for me) are the final two (which are separate categories btw), which open up a lot of possibilities in my mind:

  1. Has held or currently holds an important position in an international organization, an NGO, a government organization, or a charitable institution, with above four years of relevant work experience.

  2. Has other professional skills or transnational experience for which there is a pressing need in our country, and with a current or previous most recent monthly salary of at least NT$160,000 in this or another country.

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no thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

tbh I have read/skimmed it twice before. But it helped a lot to have Noel highlight the key provisions.