New Jersey Devils LNY jerseys - Nazi symbols? Um, c'mon, it ain't that bad

I guess I can see it but it certainly doesn’t bother me. Interesting that the designer has Taiwan heritage

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I don’t even see it if I look. Some people seem to be set off these days by using faux Chinese typefaces for Roman letters.


Dafuq are these people smoking? I am definitely considered “woke” by those who think that’s a bad thing. Or “Gutmensch”, as we say. Plus I’m Forumosa certified overly sensitive to everything Nazi.

And this is not. I can’t see anything whatsoever in the shapes, colors, … That resembles anything remotely Nazi/neonazi looking.

Or is this one of these thingies that after you got an explanation you suddenly see and cannot unsee?

Ok let me try harder.

Yeah it’s round. Big deal.

Yeah it’s on a red background. So what?

Ooookay if you look super hard then the top left character coukd look ever so slightly like a part of the rounded swastika the Sturmabteilung (SA) used. But the wrong way round. And wrong color. And wrong backdrop. And excentric. And less than a quarter of the whole design. So… Still No.

Look it’s great that people are sensitive to this shit. As it was said: we are not responsible for what happened, but we are responsible that it never can happen again. And that includes calling out stupid design choices, like that brand “boy”. But this here is just a bit too far. Sorry.

many hockey fans on Twitter struggled to differentiate Chinese symbols from Nazi imagery

I’m afraid that says more about the hockey fans than about anything else :thinking:


Yeah I was worried I was going to walk into something bad by clicking the link to this thread.

They look like ancient China flags that would be used in a war attacking the Great Wall. I don’t see any Nazi symbolism no matter how hard I squint. Looks like a typical red with gold circle thing and some black ink (though I have no idea what the black ink is supposed to say). And the swastika is something we see around here, because of religious symbolism dating back centuries (or more?)

The gold character in the background is 福, right?

But I sure enough can’t figure the black character out.

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It’s a representation of the Roman letters “NJ” from the Devils’ logo.

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The Purloined Logo!

I’m sure glad you posted that, so I could leave off doing my mental isometric exercises. :slight_smile:

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Totally ridiculous. People actively look for reasons to get outraged these days; it’s like they’re not happy unless they’re stirring up shit over a nothing-burger.

I think it also indicates a high level of cultural ignorance if you see this as a Nazi symbol. It’s like the linguists professor that people had a fit about for using “那個” as an example of a filler word. I think they tried to get him fired. But a heck of a lot of people insisted that the Chinese language shouldn’t have a word that sounded like a US racial slur. Like, the Chinese language should change and adapt because some Americans were offended to learn that a language originating on the other side of the planet had a word that sounds offensive when heard by an American English speaker.

Then again, knowing that the CCP literally owns the NBA, I wouldn’t put it past them to make sure the uniforms look sufficiently Chinese New Year (everything but the weird black ink screams CNY and only CNY to me) but at the same time try to spark outrage so that they can cry about racist Americans being racist toward China again. But this is where I come back to cultural ignorance. We live in Asia and see this as CNY symbolism. If you’ve never lived through CNY symbolism for weeks on end, you might interpret it differently.


Is anything black on red an automatic swastika then? It’s just the letters NJ on a gold stylized symbol. The gold symbol part obviously isn’t what resembles a swastika, it is treated as the white circle in the NAZI flag. What part of the NJ looks like a swastika though? It looks more like the outline of the islands of Japan to me.


It’s clearly the mark of the Illuminati.