This is something my school has received an article or a notice from the government about. There is a new law going into effect that all newly-hired teachers must enter the country with working papers and that schools will no longer be permitted to hire people living in Taiwan who do not already have a resident visa. Is it just a rumor or is it true?
Will we have to change our advice on telling newbies to come to Taiwan and scope out the place before signing a contract? Will they have to sign one just to be allowed to come here and work? Or is this just the normal procedure where people come over with a visitor visa and then convert it to a residence one when they land a job?
We had a thread about it in the Legal Forums. We were trying to figure out if it was for real or not. Seems that more and more people are hearing about it.
The jist is that you apply for your ARC OUTSIDE TAIWAN.
If you arrived here, then found a job, you’d need a trip to HK and apply for your ARC there.
This year I actually did the whole process the correct way. I applied about two months before my visa expired (according to my boss) and still had to leave the country for more than a month before my employment authorization was ready. I had it FedExed to me in HK from where I got my temporary visa. When I got here, I applied for my multiple-entry visa and ARC. It was a long process, but it felt good to walk proudly down the streets not having any fears of being found out.
It’ll probably go the same way as the health exams and just discriminate English teachers which is who this whole policy was set for in the first place.
they are indeed planning to do this for teachers. not sure if it applies to all work permits or if it is already in effect.
someone apparently feels too many people come here on tourist visas and get jobs. probably it will mean taking a trip out of the country to process paperwork before returning–a mindless bureaucratic exercise and waste. the taipei buxiban association is protesting against it.
On the face of it, it affects everyone. It sure affected the way my wife got her 60-day visa to come to Taiwan. See the thread in legal forum Overseas Residency Rights here.
But the buxiban owners want to hire from within the country - it gives them a chance to take a look at the prospective teacher. With this new rule, teaching demos, and even interviews, will be a thing of the past. Maybe the owners will put up such a stink that the law will be changed.